Formostar Body Wrap on IP?

  • Hi all

    I am usually just a lurker but I find it so inspiring and motivating to read everything I decided I should chime in and become more of a poster! I just wanted to get everyone’s thoughts, I recently received a gift certificate from a good friend of mine for formostar body wrap session but I am not sure if it will affect my current state of ketosis (currently in wk 3) and if it would be a hinder or help the IP cause. It’s more of a relaxation and feel good thing for me and the goal is not necessarily to lose weight and inches fast because I am already doing that with just IP!

    Here is the description of what it says it will do...I'm just afraid of the calories it says it will burn.

    Cellulite Reduction
    Burns Calories
    Body Contouring
    Increased metabolism
    Pain Relief
    Skin rejuvenation

    "Commonly used by day spas and resorts, high end tanning and beauty salons, massage therapists, as well as physical and occupational therapy centers, the Formostar Body Wrap System uses Far Infrared Heat through soft, comfortable silicone pads. Each treatment can be customized to target your customers' trouble areas. Thighs, buttocks, abdomen, hips, and arms will all benefit from inch-loss, re-shaping, and body-fat reduction."

    "The Formostar Encore Body Wrap's Infrared heat can also help to burn up to 1,400 calories in just one treatment. Studies have shown that during exercises and other heat-based treatments, it takes a moderately conditioned body 20-30 minutes to heat up. The major therapeutic value to the body occurs after that warming-up process. Each treatment session is 50 minutes. The 50-minute treatment produces the most ideal and desired results and one of the great features of the Formostar Encore, is the ability to custom-adjust the infrared heat to each pad - suiting your particular physiology or tolerance to heat. This will assure a comfortable and pleasant experience for you."
  • I'm not an expert on this but maybe you should treat it as a workout. Follow it up with an extra packet within 30 min.
  • I would do it. But, I would drink a LOT more water that day. Both before and after the treatment. All of those treatments tend to dehydrate your body. Enjoy
  • I have never had one of these. Please keep us updated on the details because I am very curious.
  • Hello,
    Yes even i heard body wrapping is one of the way to remove cellulite. Even massage is the simple and effective way to remove cellulite.