Tuesday-April 22, 2003

  • Where has everyone gone? Startin' the thread...
  • Good Morning
    It's a cool, foggy day here in Maine. Yesterday it was beautiful, sunny and bright. I have crocuses, hyacinths, daffodils and tulips coming up. I love Spring! I kept my friend's 4yo son for the night last night. My son, who is 11, loves it. He would have been a great big brother. I wish I could have had more kids. I am working an extra shift at the hospital tonight, 3pm-3am. I'm not sure how I'll be after midnight.
    My eating has been out-of-control lately. I have got to get it back under control. I do good in the morning and then by lunch I've blown it. And then after that I say the **** with it and try to start over again the next day. My son wants me to make french toast for breakfast this morning. I need to stay away from it. Have a good day. BBL
  • I'm here.

    I haven't been writing lately because I've just been so fed up with myself. It's like every Monday I say I'm back on track and I want to lose weight, etc, but I am unwilling to change my eating or exercise at all. This past weekend my ex told me that he's with someone new, and it possibly feels worse then when we broke up. I can't even imagine what place I'd be in if I had never dated him (a much better one, I'm sure!). I was 20lbs lighter, still running, not smoking very much, still in the healthy, gung-ho mindset. Well, I've lost the man and I've also lost the mindset. I'm never going to meet someone else the way I'm feeling about myself, so I'm really going to try this time. I have to - if I don't, I'm not sure how much lower things could get, and I really don't want to know.
  • Good morning Robin! It is going to be sunny here today too. I love spring. I can't wait to seed our yard and start planting (we just built a house and move in in Dec.). Your house renovations sound awesome!!!

    Lexxy ~ I am here for you girl, I feel the exact same way. I start the week, heck, the day off good, then blow it all to ****! I am going to do this!!!! I did awesome yesterday, then we went to Olive Garden for dinner, I could have eaten 1/2 the entree and something light, but no, I ate 3/4 of it, and had Chicken Parmagiana.

    Keep posting and we will hold each other accountable. Does anyone like to walk as their exercise? I was thinking about starting a walking thread and we could post how far we walk each day, then maybe have a total miles a month goal. Just a thought!!

    Not a whole lot new with me. Studying for a test I have tomorrow afternoon. Work is slow, but I like it that way now that I am back in school part time, then I can do my homework some at my desk.

    I decided to have my DH take a pic of me in my swimsuit tonight, and I am going to hang in on the fridge, I know that we help me stay away from bad things and cut back on the portions. I just need to remember to take it down when we have company!!!!

    I also want to see true before and after pics, which I never took when I lost all the weight before.

    Well, better eat my dry fiber one. I am starting the day off right again, I am going to stick to it today, I promise!!! If I could just stick to it for a week straight, I know it would start to get easier!!!!!

    Come out and post!!! I need you guys today!!!!!
  • Morning Ladies!

    Robin - your spring flowers sound so lovely. I don't have anything that blooms in my yard yet.

    Lexxy - maybe expecting yourself to be totally OP is too much. Maybe you should set a smaller goal - like from today until next Monday you will drink X oz of water per day. Make that your only goal and stick to that one thing. Once you've got that success it might be easier to add in other things.

    Tonya - I love to walk. This time last year I was walking upwards of 20 miles a week! I can't imagine having that kind of time anymore.

    I hear all of your disappointment and struggles with being OP. I've been having trouble being OP all winter/spring too. I'm trying something new though that seems to be working for me. I heard that WW will be changing their point system so that you no longer have a point range. Instead you have a fixed amount of points per day which is set at 2 points above the bottom of your losing range. Ex: if your range is currently 20 to 25 you now get 22 points per day. Multiply that by 7 = your weekly total points is 154. Add in 35 "flex" points. And your weekly points are 189. Each day you aim for 22 points. And add in flex points as you need them - you could eat all 35 in one day or spread them out over the week. You track your points like a check register start with your weekly number and at the end of each day deduct your points from your bank. It is working great for me because I start my week on a Friday. I usually like to eat more on the weekends than week days and before I never had banked points and if I went over points for the day I felt I'd screwed everything up for the week.

    I need to get to work but if anyone has questions about what I'm doing I'll check in later.

  • Eeek! My boss just came in and said the project was going to order pizza for us for lunch. In theory, a good thing. But of course I am re-commited again, so it's bad. I guess this is the sort of thing I need to deal with though, in order to lose AND maintain. That's how I regained the weight....Maybe I can convince her to order a salad as well, and just try to have one slice.
  • Hey all... I am still here and still PG. UGHHH. I was having contractions all weekend and it turned into nothing. Went to the doc yesterday and I am not even dilated yet. With Emma my water broke and I was pretty certain she was coming soon, even before contractions came. Now I am in a guessing game. I have 2 weeks before my due date, but my doc says you never know. Emma was 10 days early. I am pretty uncomfortable.

    AND, I weigh the most I ever have. Yes, I know, I am PG. But I gained 10 pounds before getting PG, then with the PG weight on top of that. YIKES... I am higher than I was with Emma. I can't wait to start getting it off.

    Guess I better get some work done.
  • Laura,

    I really like the concept! I may have to give it a shot. I definitely know that if I work WW and the Wendie plan together, and have a couple high days a week and the rest lower, I have a bigger loss.

    Lexxy ~ Have a salad, and one slice of pizza. Stand strong, you can do this!!!!

    Jen ~ I feel for you girl!!! The end is coming soon! DH and I have decided to have one more child. We are not telling a soul though. We are going to start trying this fall, I want to have a June/July baby so that I can take next summer off, don't have to worry about daycare for my other two, and when I go back to work next fall, I only have one in daycare cause my other two will be in grade school. Hopefully it will all work to plan.....in addition to that, I have to get to goal before I get pregnant. It is tough enough losing normal weight, let alone pregnancy weight, especially when with both of my pregnancies I gained 40 lbs. You can do it Jen! Get out walking with the baby and the weight will fall off!!!

    Well, I should be studying, but I am having a hard time getting into it! Thank goodness it is only over 3 chapters!

  • Laura, I really like that eating plan - I can do the same thing with calories, keep a bank. Although I'd be worried I'd end up with nothing left for my last day!

    Well, I consciously ate 2 peices of pizza at lunch. I started off with a bowl of salad, trying to be good, but the pizza was just too tempting. I blotted off the excess oil, so maybe that helped a little. I'm going to have this guy I work with take the leftovers home (we were the only 2 who would eat veggie) so I'm not tempted for lunch tomorrow. I'm sure a slice could be factored in for a reasonable lunch, but I really have no way to estimate exact calories from oil, cheese, etc, since it is not from a big chain w/ nutritional info available.

    Jen, get that baby out soon, I don't envy you!

    Tonya, good luck on your test.
  • Hi everyone, I'm back. I had a 4 day long weekend with Good Friday and Easter monday. Sometimes the union is good. And the Canucks have tied their series and we have game seven tonight. GO CANUCKS! (OK, hockey excitement over.) I didn't really do anything entertaining over the weekend. I had brunch with my aunt on sunday and did alright for food. I'm limiting my carb intake cause I've been going way overboard with them and it's affecting me at the scale. If I don't eat them, I don't miss them but if I eat them, I go WAY overboard. Without carbs I avoided cake at brunch and my niece's birthday cake as well as the dinner rolls and cornmeal muffins. That would have sent my points through the roof. Then last night I bought some groceries and HAD to buy some cheap easter candy. I didn't eat it though. I'm planning on feeding it to the guys at Thursday's potluck. And so now back to work. My boss leaves today for a conference and will be gone all week so I'll be a bit free-er at the computer.
    Robin - I love french toast. I hope you managed to avoid it.
    Lexxy - Baby steps all the way. Set yourself some small goals and you'll get there one step at a time. We're here for you.
    Tonya - that's such exciting news! I know you want another one. Hope your test goes well.
    Laura - the new system sounds really interesting. It's almost how I do it anyway but it will be interesting to see how easy it is for new members to learn it.
    Jen - Here's hoping you don't go over!

    Alright off to a little work. I'll be back.
  • Hye gals. popping in for two secs. Life is busy as ever. Had a great Easter weekenday from my bro. I feel pretty rested. Unfortunately work is nutso! Its taken two year to build my business into steady busy-ness & now all of a sudden its hard to keep up. THat's good -right? Anyway I'm managing to avoid the Easter candy my m-i-l sent up (so far). I'm having a pretty healthy lunch of pasta salad & I did great for supper last night I'm finally inthe right mind set to get back at this full time. Yay me! Anyway gotta run! I probably won't be back until tomorrow. Sorry no time to reply to you all! Have a great OP day!
  • I'm glad to see everyone back today!

    Lexxy: I, too, was faced with pizza at lunch. I also had two slices, although I didn't finish the second one. I'm hoping they were a little more healthy than fast food pizza because our cafeteria staff baked them and they didn't taste as heavy as say, Dominos. They were really GOOD, too. I had a slice of BBQ chicken and a slice of feta and tomato. Yummy, yummy. Still, I should have just had one.

    I have GOT to start exercising again. I got on my home scale this morning and I am officially back to where I was before I lost weight for my wedding. So I'll update my sig to hopefully motivate me.

    Jen: Here's hoping you have that baby soon so you're not feeling so miserable! Do you have names all picked out? Wanna share or are you waiting?

    Jen & Tonya: Reading what both of you have said about pregnancy weight makes me realize how important it is for me to lose weight before I get pregnant. DH and I want to start trying this summer, but if I'm that much overweight I'm scared to see what would happen with baby weight. My bad knees are already stressed out enough as it is.

    Hello to everyone else out there, Rina, Laura, Robin, KT ...

    PS I like the walking idea. I used to have one of the little WW pedometers but heck if I know what happened to it. I SHOULD walk my dogs every day, but it's exhausting (and not in a feel-good exercise way) with them pulling me all over the place. Although I've tried to train them, it's hard for me to walk both of them together.
  • I need another day off!! Really I do!

    Im going to bring up that Challenge Thread ... where is it??

    Hope everyone had a nice easter and didn't eat too many peeps.

    I just put Jeremy's candy away in the cabinets - out of sight, out of mind.