Congestion, sore throat, mucus! Oh My!

  • So, I'm pretty sure this was gonna come up sooner or later because this is around the time that people tend to get sick.

    Recently, I have come down with some bad congestion in my chest, a sore throat, a cough, and mucus on top of all that. Obviously, I can't workout if I'm sick in my breathing passages because that hurts and makes me feel miserable. But I don't want to stop working out until I feel better because I'm afraid I'll just start going back to being a stationary being.

    So, A) Does anyone have any good remedies for getting rid of allergies/colds/congestion without breaking the bank? And B) Any good exercise tips that won't cause my lungs to feel like they are on fire?

  • When my chest is congested I gently pound on my chest like king kong lol, it seems to help break up the congestion a little. Maybe a little steam would help. I use a nasal spray to clear my sinuses or maybe try a neti pot (don't use tap water because it is supposedly full of bacteria that can be bad for you) if your sinuses are plugged. Be gentle with yourself until you get well. I hope you feel better soon.
  • You don't have to be completely stationary but take it a little easier, maybe a gentle walk so you're still moving. Fresh air (depending on smog ) can help as well.

    That said, my husband had a cold get pretty deep in his chest not too long ago. Mucinex really seemed to help break it up and get it out. Your sore throat is likely from the drainage so that'll clear up with the other yuckiness does but a throat spray/lozenges might help in the mean time.