Red Team 2012 Fall Back to Basics Exercise Thread Week 8 (10/15-10/21)

  • For an effective weight loss program it is important to incorporate exercise as well as making better dietary choices. While any kind of exercise is good for you, it has been proven many times over that just cardio or just strength training isn't the way to need to have a combination of both, with a little bit of core focus as well. So as you plan out and track your exercise this week, be sure to get in 2-3 strength workouts and 2-3 cardio sessions. And don't forget about those abs! Copy and paste the follow format and come back throughout the week to edit your original post. Let’s move those bodies!

  • Monday-walking 11,796 steps
    Tuesday-walking 16,225 steps
    Wednesday-walking 12, 625 steps
    Thursday-walking 11,945 steps
  • Something every day! DONE!

    Monday- 50 min BL yoga dvd
    Tuesday- ran 5k in 43 minutes
    Wednesday- 90 min warm yoga class
    Thursday- 23 min yoga dvd
    Friday- 23 min yoga dvd
    Saturday- my very first 5k race!
    Sunday- 90 min warm yoga class
  • Monday- 5k run; stretching; squats; crunches; planks; upper body free weights

    Tuesday- stretching; squats; crunches; planks; push ups

    Wednesday- 5k run; stretching; squats; crunches; planks; upper body free weights

    Thursday- rest day

    Friday- 1 hour Zumba class; stretching

    Saturday- 45 min elliptical; stretching; squats; crunches; planks; upper body free weights

    Sunday- 30 min tae bo dvd
  • Goal: at least 20 minutes of exercise a day for 90 days

    Current: 1 / 90

    Monday - 25 min walk, 30 minutes zumba, 20 min dog walk
    Tuesday - 25 min walk, 30 minutes zumba, 20 min dog walk
    Wednesday - 25 min walk, C25K W2D2, 20 min dog walk
    Thursday - 25 min walk, 30 minutes zumba, 20 min dog walk
    Friday - C25K W2D3, 20 min dog walk
    Saturday - 45 minutes zumba, 20 min dog walk
    Sunday - C25K W3D1, 20 min dog walk