Have you tried Kay's Naturals food?

  • I was in the grocery store and found a new section of protein snacks called Kay's Naturals. Nutritionally they are very close to IP restricted foods. (actually less sugar, carbs, and fat) They were cheap and taste good. I was just wondering if anyone else has tried them and if so how are you fitting them into your day?
  • Yes! I love the chili cheese protein chips and the honey mustard pretzels.
  • i have only tried 2 products that i ordered from nashua nutrition.

    Kay's Naturals - Sweet BBQ Snack Mix: rather bland and for the net carbs to be 11 G it counts as a restricted...so not worth it to me. i ended up using the other packet crushed as a breading to some chicken nuggets!!

    Kay's Naturals - Protein Puffs Pizza Flavor...also blah....and at 12 net carbs also restricted! not worth spending a restricted on for me. these also ended up as a coating....but make a really nice coating!!

    verdict...i won't be buying them again.
  • Quote: Yes! I love the chili cheese protein chips and the honey mustard pretzels.
    i debated on trying the chili nacho cheese chips!! maybe i will try them before giving up on kays naturals! thanks stargirl!
  • I have had white cheddar cheese protein kruncheeze and the Crispy Parmesan chips and I won't be ordering them again from Nashua..they were so bland, cardboard would taste better.

    Now on the other hand, the Almond Delight Puffs were ok, not great but they did taste better than the other two. For the amount of carbs in the 3 I will stick with the HealthSmart Pizza or BBQ crisps they are sooooooooo much better!