Wi # 3

  • well 3rd weigh in. 3 more Lbs. lost, a total of 16 lbs and 11 inches. I was hoping for five this week but I will take the three. Maybe I need to start walking burn some extra cal,s off. Has anyone found that a little excercise helps the pounds, or does it hurt the process???? I need to find some new veggies to eat getting tired of broc, and calif.
  • This diet is super low calorie - walking or increasing exercise doesn't help increase losses, and can actually STALL your weight loss. If you want to walk for fitness, that's fine but make sure you add an extra packet within 1/2 hour of finishing.

    Three pounds is actually great! You won't see the same losses you had the first week or two every week - some weeks will be higher and some will be lower. Just follow the plan as written and the weight will keep coming off!
  • Three pounds is great! A lot of experience slower losses in week three and four. I second lowering the exercise... I did more cardio last week and loss less than a pound. I'm sure it will kick back up but for now it's just going to be nice fall walks and yoga for me.
  • I found when I first started any exercise that was where I could not speak in complete sentences was to much and stalled my progress. When you get to 3-5 word phrases it's time to slow down. Now any exercise helps when I add another packet.
  • Y'all have to GIVE this program and yourselves a break!!!....Losing 5lbs a week is NOT going to happen (unless you are a guy maybe).....you have to give your body TIME.....the weight comes off as fast as your body allows it. NOTHING you can do will make it go faster....I promise..... You didn't gain or get to the size you are now OVER NIGHT or fast....soooo you can't expect it to come off fast or overnight. This takes time....PATIENCE is what you need to have....TRUST me when I say, it pays off to be patient....73 weeks of being patient and has totally paid off for me. I roughly have about 18lbs left to go, I am still as patient now as I was when I started, I know it will come off when my body decides to let it go, nothing is going to change that. Do I want it to come off fast? of course BUT I know it won't so I just go with the flow like I have been doing, its all I can do
  • Quote: well 3rd weigh in. 3 more Lbs. lost, a total of 16 lbs and 11 inches. I was hoping for five this week but I will take the three. Maybe I need to start walking burn some extra cal,s off. Has anyone found that a little excercise helps the pounds, or does it hurt the process???? I need to find some new veggies to eat getting tired of broc, and calif.
    Take a nice walk and enjoy the fall weather. Move your body, but no heavy cardio as it will slow down the weight loss on this diet because the calories are already so low.
  • Walking
    Thanks for the info, i am not talking cardio, just walking. I just dont want anything to stall my weight loss. But if I could boost it I would. I take things one day at a time. And I am Thankful to God for each day.