Starting out on which color?

  • I am starting this diet after doing it several years ago. I only have the colored plan choices to choose from and I do not know which one to start on. I am 5'2" 185 pounds, I am not very active as I have a 10-12 hour a day desk job. (its how I gained all this weight back from 124lbs) I am starting this long journey with the Knudsen morning blend juice when it comes in, I had to order it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  • From spending alot of time agonizing over this myself, I think you should start with the Red Plan:

    2.5 Proteins
    3 Fruits
    4 Vegetables
    1 fat
    2 Dairy
    3 Starches
    2 condiments
    2 La lites

    I am contemplating the Red 1 plan which is no lites:

    2.5 Protein
    4 Fruits
    4 Vegetables
    4 Starches
    2 Dairy
    1 fat

    I'd be happy to track progress with you, if you want or need. Seems like this forum is dead these days.