NSV Worth Sharing! ^_^

  • Hey everyone! We all know that losing weight is, in many peoples' opinions, visually pleasing. Sometimes I get so absorbed in changing the way I look, that I tend to overlook the main reason behind losing weight: getting healthy.

    This brings me to my NSV! The biggest reason I decided I needed to change my lifestyle is because I, at 22 years old, have high blood pressure. Okay, so not according to official medical records, but for most digital readings I've used within the past year would read above 120/80.

    Anyway, today after dinner, I stared at my grandma's drawer that had her blood pressure machine and decided to take my reading. I refuse to do so in front of family, because once, it was as high as 135/90, which was really embarrassing when my aunts and uncles and even my grandma had better BP than I did. Anyway, after finally figuring out how to use this thing, my first reading read 103/78. I was in disbelief, so I took it again. The second time, it read 100/70.

    This was so exciting to me, so I needed to share it with you guys. Thank you for reading!
  • awsomeness!
    well done you!
  • That's awesome! It's always nice when you have a reminder like that.
  • Good job yay!
  • That's great! Having NSV that pertain to your health improving is always such a huge motivator and a reminder of why you are doing this!
  • Yay that's great, well done
  • that's great. What's NSV and DH stand for?
  • Ahhh thank you so much everyone! It really was a great reminder that health is more important than physique (though okay, won't lie...that's important too )

    NSV is non-scale victory or something of that sort. Basically any mini goal that doesn't require a scale like pants/shirt size, not caving into a binge, etc.

    DH is darling/darn husband, depending on context.
  • Congrats! That's an awesome accomplishment!
  • thanks for this post. i'm very wrapped up in the aesthetic side of losing weight, but i do need to be reminded time to time that my family has a history of high blood pressure/cholesterol. glad to hear yours improved so much!