in the car

  • Does anyone know exercise you can do in the car.?
  • Is that even possible and/or safe?
  • Sounds dangerous to me too.
  • Kiegels?!

    Actually, all kidding aside you could hold and release all your muscle groups, abs, thighs, calves, glutes, arms....It's not excercise but releasing and contracting your muscles is good...
  • Not driving, riding for 10 hr.
  • you laugh, but I do my kegels (however you spell it) on the way to work and on the way home. It may be TMI, but i've been doing that for close to a year and don't feel like I have to worry about an "accident" if I drink too much

    If you're not driving you can chair dance to the music on the radio, flex and point your toes, do those isometrics mentioned above, just tightening your stomach muscles every so often helps.

  • Put the a/c down really cold. Maybe the shivering will burn some calories!
  • Thanks!!!
  • Maybe some chair push-ups? How about moving your feet like you're riding a bicycle? Just some thoughts.
  • I've thought of this too just because I commute for about 2-3 hours everyday and I think, what a waste of perfectly good exercise time!....unfortuantely, I am not riding, I am driving so it's too dangerous. I was thinking of trying ab-work while driving just by holding in my tummy and twisting lightly occasionally. Also rush-hour snail-paced driving I can get a few arm stretches in but I tend to get funnny looks because I'm usually singing at the top of my lungs too.