Tuesday, April 15

  • Good Morning Chickadees!

    Where is everybody at this morning? at the post office mailing off those income taxes??? hope everybody didn't wait til the last minute! ;-)

    When I got home yesterday from work I changed my clothes and went for a 30 minute walk around our 2 mile block. I was so proud of myself for doing that before fixing supper and all that jazz! Hope to do the same today.

    Well I've got a zillion things to do at work so I will get back to it. I hope everybody takes a minute to check in with a quick hello.

  • I am just busy today writing collection letters. fun, fun.

    I was bad last night. I ate pizza and cookies. I should be starting today so I know that is what made we want to eat. I told the dog I would take her for a walk this afternoon so I will keep my promise.

    I only have to take my pills two more times before I am off. I am kind of wondering how I will act after I am off of them. I had a member hit the nail right on the head about how I was feeling. SHe said it was like everything would skip. Kind of strange sounding but it is true. Kind of like in the movies when it jumps a slight bit, that is what I felt was happening to me. Strange I know, but at least I know it is from the meds.

    Well, I guess I better get back to the ole' grind stone. I hope to chat with everyone later.
  • Hi Ladies,

    SOSDD !!

    Today its absolutely beautiful out. I'm running outside at lunch to clean my car, sad huh LOLOLOL. I get no time at home for stuff like this.

    Easters right around the corner. I'm excited. Its Grace's first egg hunt

    Hope y'all are feeling good and things are happy.

    TTYL, Love, Leenie
  • It's not yet 2:00PM, and it is already 79 degrees!

    Good day for the kitties to romp in the grass and I also needed to water my flower garden and do laundry

    I pulled a calf muscle yesterday exercising, but it feels better today. The heat/cold treatment and walking around helped quite a bit--at least I'm not walking around like I have a rod stuck in my butt !
  • Thanks April for responding to my post. Today it is better, not much, but better. Hopefully my daughters father will be out by Thursday and I think I will feel alot better. I havent totally blew on the food today and have already drank my 1.5 liter of H2O. Dana
  • Hi! The temperature was up to 86 degrees F here is Connecticut. It was so beautiful! I went out for a hike with my dalmatian, Domino and did some gardening.

    Lori, I've enjoyed reading your posts and clicked on to your kitty's website. Quite impressive and lots of fun. I, as you may or may not have read, have 5 cats- one of whom (Tara) is about to have kittens. It is very exciting.

    Please- someone, anyone, take a peek at my profile and consider being my diet buddy. My husband's illness/disability keeps me somewhat isolated and contributes to depression.

    I thank God every day for the beauty in my life. I am grateful for this site. It has brought me comfort and inspiration.

    Hugs and Prayers,
