Mini Steps

  • My mini-goals revisited:

    "My 3 minis this week will be to try to drink more water, try to remember to take my vitamins daily, and to not eat muffins in the morning."

    Well, I did drink less tea and did consume more water this week.
    Out of 5 days I managed to eat a muffin on Friday only. I took vitamins 3 out of 5 days so that is the one thing I really have to work on.

    Getting there slowly but surely
  • Mine were :
    1. Make sure I take my vitamins & pills everyday. Did that.

    2. Start drinking my flavored water stuff again. At least 1/2 a liter a day - working up to at least 1 liter a day, which will probably be my mini goal for next week. Did ok on that one, but not great. It will still be a goal for this week.

    3. I am also going to try and not eat after 8pm. I had been doing well, but lately I haven't. Did ok on this one, but not wonderful. Going to try again.

    And my new one for this week is bring my lunch to work, and eat what I bring at least 3 days this week. I bought some light deli meat, and bread. I also bought salad mix & fruits.
  • I am going to make three promises for this week:

    1. More water, more water, more water!

    2. No more useless sugar (that means YOU, chocolate mini eggs and mint patties).

    3. Write everything down in the food diary. I have been slacking off writing stuff down (I've been writing on and off, mostly on, for about 2 years and it gets very boring) but it is too helpful not to do it.

    Will let you know how I did at the end of the week.

  • More water for me, too! I've really been slacking off with the water. I'm dehydrated, but think I'm hungry. Or else I've been drinking pop.
  • My goals are

    More water
    Stay op
    Get a workout

    I have really slacked off and need to get my but moving!
