
  • I stepped on the scale today, and I weigh in at 145.6.

    This is another increase, and I feel so discouraged.

    Just needed to say that "out loud", I guess.
  • Do you weigh at the same time every day ?
    What kind of diet and exercise plan are you following ?
  • Awe Vin it is discouraging, but are you working out more? Did you change up foods? There can be all sorts of reasons for the scale to go up. I hope you figure out the trend soon.
  • Depending on your monthly cycle, that could be the reason as well. I gain a few pounds about 1-2 weeks prior to my TOM and that will disappear during it.
  • *hugs to you* I agree with Candeka, menses can be awful for a diet. Take a look at the calendar and your water intake. You may want to increase it if possible.
  • Hang in there hun, sometimes I go up about 11 lb for no reason, it comes off within a few days.

    Have you been adding in weights? Have you been drinking enough water? And yes as the ladies above have mentioned, TOM or Pre-Tom does that too...
  • Stupid scale I'm sorry it's got you down but I completely understand the "saying it out loud" biz. If you get it out, you don't have to carry the stress by yourself. Water, sodium and the raunchy rouge can bump up the scale every time.
  • Hang in there, I know it's hard but if you stick with it, the scale will start moving down again
  • You've posted of struggles the last few days. The scale is unlikely to be kind until you've managed to string together a goodly number of good days. What do you need to do to make that happen? What would that look like for you?

    I'm a librarian, so here are some book recommendations:

    The End of Overeating by David Kessler really helped me see how the food industry manipulates foods to make them irresistible. I was able to use the disgust, anger, and sheer stubbornness to go cold turkey off junk food after reading that book.

    The books by Judith Beck helped me set up structures and change my environment to make it easier to succeed at this. She says the reason we all fail at diets is because we were never taught how to do it well. Her books remedy that. If you read and like one of her books, there's a support forum here on 3FC where we work with them.