Going to Trader Joes

  • Hello !

    I am planning on going to Trader Joes after work today. Is anyone out there?????? Tell me pleasew what you buy thats LEGAL? Thanks, Dana
  • hi,
    i know you have probably already been, but i love trader joes. my latest find was stevia, i like it much better than the splenda. i am making limeade with the key lime juice from there, stevia and water. trader joes is cheap and great! they have legal english muffins, breads, hamburger rolls, sauces, i love the peanut sauce, umm, candy, carbolite bars, nuts, dried fruits, saffron is cheap, legal pizza, legal macaroni and cheese, all fruits (jam) oh, the butters, cashew, almond, peanut, cheap! oh, also lots of legal cereal choices, just look around and see what is appealing \and then read the labels, also, the yogurt is very good, and they have a list of all the sugar free items they carry.
  • Shopping list
    I hope this doesn't seem like an advertisment, I do not work for Trader Joe's! Just started SB last Monday, have lost 4 lbs and find Trader Joe's really helpful. Their website has a section that lists all of their products by dietary categories and their "no sugar added" list is a really good place to start your shopping list. But BE CAREFUL...many of the foods on that list are not for the SB way of life...it's just helpful to get you thinking about what to look for. Hope this helps.