I was wondering if I could rejoin your group

  • I havent been able to be online in such a long time. When my computer blew I was here under the name of Sapphyre, but with a new computer I thought new change. A fresh start. There was a couple of threads I was apart of that made me feel so good, here on the board and this was one of them, so here I am, hat in my hand, wondering if I can come back.
  • Aradia,

    I'm new here myself, but WELCOME!! It looks like you've already made some great progress and I'm sure we'll benefit from your wisdom and support too.
  • Of course - You are always welcome!!!!! Glad to have you back!!
  • welcome back Just jump in!!
  • hmmmm. let me think.... hmmmm.

    it's about time you came back!!! glad to see you... everything will be just fine with your new start... honest!!!!
  • Welcome back!!