Two-teens into Onederland - So close you could scream

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  • Isn't it aggravating when Onederland is in sight yet still so far away? I guess I am just anxious to get there. I have been losing and gaining the same pound the last three days or so. Patience right
  • I gained 9 lbs over Christmas + injuring my knee and not being able to work out. But I'm 219.9 again and back in this group! It feels good to be back down close to my pre-holiday weight.

    My knee injury is getting better. It's a little twingy every once in a while but I manage ok and I'm back to my full training schedule again. Hooray!
  • I finally lost that pesky pound that's been taking up residence. I drank a lot of water yesterday and this morning saw a 1.4lb loss on the scale.
    Here I come Onederland.
  • thnknthin1 I have been doing the same thing. 217,219,218,217,218. Up and down. I am going to try and get my water in today. MY rings are tight so maybe that is whats going on. I have been eating right and getting my exercise in. Its just another hump to get over. We will get there is just frustrating to work so hard and then see the scale go up.
  • Yeah my rings have been tight as well. I guess increasing the water was the secret. I knew it wasn't anything I had been eating or not exercising enough, I have been strictly OP.
    They say at least 8 cups of water a day, but for what size person?? Do those of us with more body mass require more water? It would make sense seeing how the human body is comprised mainly of water. The more you weigh, the more water you need. I am going to keep drinking this amount of water each day and see if that helps with the "mini plateaus".

    Quote: thnknthin1 I have been doing the same thing. 217,219,218,217,218. Up and down. I am going to try and get my water in today. MY rings are tight so maybe that is whats going on. I have been eating right and getting my exercise in. Its just another hump to get over. We will get there is just frustrating to work so hard and then see the scale go up.
  • When I am being good I drink at least 3-4 liters a day. Which is 12-16 cups. I find it helps with my appetite too. When I fall behind my fingers start to swell. When I have a high sodium day it takes a few days to flush the water out again. THe high sodium meals really get me. Especially eating out.
  • My body has such an adverse effect from sodium. I love to eat Mexican food and we will treat ourselves occasionally and go to a local Mexican restaurant. Well, I know after I do it will take about 3 days to get that water weight off again. But it's oh so worth it.
  • I am up a pound again. So 218.4. I walked my 3.5 miles on the treadmill last night, ate at goal and drank my water. Grrrrr. I will do that again today and hopefully soon I will get a whoosh of weight off.

    My mom gave me several bag of cloths she grew out of when she lost a lot of weight. A few pairs of pant size 16 almost fit. The size 16W fit but not the regular ones yet. I have not had many pants the last few years because I hated buying the big sizes. I am excited to increase my wardrobe without spending anything. :-) There must be over 10 pairs of size 14. I am really excited about those. I don't remember how much I weighted when I wore a size 14 last time.
  • That has been me too this whole past week. It seems I have more weeks like this than not. It is frustrating, believe me I know. Won't it be nice to get into 14's again. I can't wait. I can't wait till I can actually get into a pair jeans that don't have double digits.

    Quote: I am up a pound again. So 218.4. I walked my 3.5 miles on the treadmill last night, ate at goal and drank my water. Grrrrr. I will do that again today and hopefully soon I will get a whoosh of weight off.

    My mom gave me several bag of cloths she grew out of when she lost a lot of weight. A few pairs of pant size 16 almost fit. The size 16W fit but not the regular ones yet. I have not had many pants the last few years because I hated buying the big sizes. I am excited to increase my wardrobe without spending anything. :-) There must be over 10 pairs of size 14. I am really excited about those. I don't remember how much I weighted when I wore a size 14 last time.
  • i have been kind of cheating not too bad, I haven't been eating a lot but I have been eating some chocolate and too many sunflower seeds oh and also some flax crackers I'm scared to even check the scale last I checked it was at 212 I think I will give it a few days before I recheck it hehe :P Looks and feels to me like I gained some.
  • 214!!!
    I want single digits!!!!
    Then on to wonderland!!!
  • going2bskinny all I have to say is WOW. Your wt loss in incredible. Great job! You are an inspiration!

    Quote: i have been kind of cheating not too bad, I haven't been eating a lot but I have been eating some chocolate and too many sunflower seeds oh and also some flax crackers I'm scared to even check the scale last I checked it was at 212 I think I will give it a few days before I recheck it hehe :P Looks and feels to me like I gained some.
  • Mozzy I hear ya! My goal is to reach Onederland by Valentine's Day. We can do it!

    Quote: 214!!!
    I want single digits!!!!
    Then on to wonderland!!!
  • I broke through 217 by an inch. 216.8 today. I think what did it was yesterday I did not go to the gym. I just cleaned up a bit at home but nothing huge. Grocery shopping was my big exercise for the day. Walking a super walmart gets the miles on. I am not sure if it will stay down but its a start.

    Mozzy I am with you single digits would be amazing.

    I was thinking that I don't remember when I was this weight last. I had a gallbladder attack and my gallbladder out in 2008. I actually got down to 190 for a short time. I was afraid to eat at the time. So from 2008 to 2012 I went from 190-265. Ouch. I am putting that behind me.
  • Quote: going2bskinny all I have to say is WOW. Your wt loss in incredible. Great job! You are an inspiration!
    aaw thank you thnknthin that means a lot to me really needed to hear something uplifting feel like I'm in a rut

    congrats on your weight loss as well great job! we are rockin

    I'm going to join you guys on your mini goal of being in onderland by valentines day! See you there

    keep up the good work everybody!