
  • Hi friends , I'm back!! I'm crying because I'm afraid at this point to go home and get back on the scale. I was doing great up until 3 weeks ago when I had to leave and go on a 3 week fair run. Did I mention before I was in food concessions? Yeah that sucks! When I left I had just built myself up to a 22 minute continous run and had lost 28 lbs. I really am very excited to get back home and back on my diet. Food out here is just crap and it's so stinken hot you can't eat when your s'pose too and you eat when your not. The food out here is not really healthy but it's what you got. I truly got used to home cooking and exercising daily. I need words of encouragement!! Lots of them. When I left I was 230, hoping the damage isn't to great when I get back on Monday!
  • Welcome back! I am new here myself. I know how devastating setbacks can be. I'm experiencing a very big one myself, but with determination I know you can get back on track. I wish you much success.
  • I think you may see some damge I use to work in a cafeteria kicthen and omg I would get so sick.. I would suggest that you take you lunch or find healthy food to eat.. I know you think its going to be easy to go back to your healthy routine but it will be a challenge.. Because your body will crave that food I suggest quit now and try not to eat it if you do it very small portions.. If you feel like you have gain weight try on a pair of pants if they feel loose then you did not if they dont you did...
  • Back!! Good luck with your efforts!!
  • Thanks to all for te welcome backs
    Seriously I have 2 days left here at this last fair. We are in the middle of no where. I've been really good about staying away from the fried bread with butter and cinnamon sugar, I've eaten one fried eggroll in 3 weeks but I've definately had my share of rice and teriyaki Chicken. The biggest problem has been boredom during the day. I've had milkshakes or ice cream, I know I've gained some but won't know for sure until Monday when I actaully weigh in. Thank you moon maiden for the words of support and savynaturalista I really hope you are wrong! I'm worried I've lost my ability to run 22 mins. That was quite the acheivement but I had only been there a week before I had to leave.
  • Questions
    How do I get a weight bar, like so many people are using and some of the other stuff?
  • I suggest not weighing for a week. When I go on vacation or just veer off track, I find it's less harmful emotionally to get back to my proper routine and give my body a chance to at least lose the water weight before I weigh in.
  • I'm with paradisefalls on that one. As far as running goes you might find it takes a few tries to get back to where you were but it happens quickly.
  • By the way, from a fellow Oregonian
  • Hi and welcome

    I know it must be difficult eating right when traveling and working in concessions; however, there are ways around it.

    It would not be that difficult, by planning ahead, to eat healthful foods. There are foil packets of tuna, salmon, etc., that are easy to pack, along with some low fat crackers. Also small ready to eat packages of brown rice, which go quite nicely with half a can of spicy red beans or something. There MUST be grocery stores near where you are, where you could go every few days and get fresh produce (and take along an ice cooler). It would take a bit of effort, but it could be done quite easily. An occasional teriyaki chicken is not going to hurt you, especially if you eat only HALF the order.

    Hang in there. You can do this; you just need to get a bit more creative and plan ahead!!
  • Hi everyone, I'm finally here. I've been home for a week and been trying to gear things down as far as the bad eating habits go. My husband hates dieting and insisted we do the Chinese thing once before starting. I'm guilty. The total damage after being on the road for 2 months was 7 lbs. So I've started exercising again. Starting slow just for this week to get my motivation going. I know it's going to be a struggle for a couple of weeks but I'm sticking to it. Lots of stuff to keep me busy for the next few weeks. On an up note, we have decided to retire this business of Food Concessionaire. It's getting harder for us and to find good help I've always hated the 8 weeks away from home and my boys anyways. I'm thinking it's going to be easier for the hubby and I to stay on track. Maybe I can hang out here a little more often when I'm relaxing in the evening...@ Paradisefalls>>>> back at cha!!