a twix??? seriously?!?!

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  • after 5 straight dAys of eating according to plan and exercising according to plan i had one pack of twix (2 sticks) and i let it ruin my complete mood. i was supposed to leave work and come home to exercise, instead im laying on my bed "crying" about how pissed i am because I ATE THAT TWIX!!! and somehow i have just convinced myself to skip my workout tonight do to being so "depressed" over that dumb twix! i know its stupid but thats just how it is sometimes!
  • What is your eating plan? Could you fit in the twix in your plan? One twix won't make you gain 43948398 pounds. Start tomorrow fresh. Start every meal fresh. Don't wait till the next day, start NOW. You can do this and one lil twix won't wreck everything. If you give up, you will fail. Also, remember that working out raises endorphins which means exercise will make you happier if you are sad!
  • It's 300 calories. Get out of bed, put your big girl pants on and go work out. Eat your normal dinner and move on.
  • I hear you. I wrote a similar post yesterday after eating 3 potstickers and 3 deep fried wontons...I felt so horrible and guilty. Just try to be good starting now. Tomorrow is a new day! Hang in there, you'll be okay. It's not the end of the world...just try not to make it a habit. I think do think that never allowing a treat can lead to burn out or binges. Moderation is key.
  • I've done that a lot. As pathetic as it sounds, I went over my calorie limit one day by 10 calories and said **** it and binged. It's hard but try to not be so harsh on yourself. Start tomorrow fresh and maybe if you aren't up for working out tonight, do some yoga or something else that relaxes you. One day at a time!
  • I completely agree with seagirl-don't let a twix stop you. Burn those calories and move on! We all have these moments of frustration but you can beat it!
  • definately get out of bed and get to the gym/. even more reason.... it'll help you not feel so bad!

    -and don't do it again. It didn't make you feel better did it?
  • It sounds like you realize you shouldn't be so despondent over having a twix. But, sometimes it's easier to see the reality from the outside.

    There's nothing wrong with having a treat...once in a while. You had a twix. I hope you enjoyed it. Now, do as Seagirl says and put your big girl panties on and get your workout on!
  • At least a Twix is good, in my opinion anyway. Last night three vanilla sandwich cookies passed my lips. I was so aggravated with myself - I could have had something good like a couple squares of dark chocolate or a Twix - LOL. Instead I ate my DH's cheap cookies.

    What Daimere said - could you work a Twix into your plan once in a while?
  • You're a human being. Sometimes you will make poor choices. Sometimes you will give into the craving for a food treat. Sometimes you will overreact and punish yourself after a perceived poor choice.

    It's all ok. Forgive yourself and move on.

    In the long term, you will want to work on not reacting so emotionally to a food treat. There's nothing inherently wrong with an occasional candy bar. Eating one doesn't make you a bad or weak person. It's just a sweet package of empty calories. It's fine. There should be room in your diet for occasional treats (so long as those don't set you off on a massive food binge). There is NOTHING to be gained by framing some food choices as "good" and others as "wicked". Think about it.
  • You're right, that is unbelievably stupid. BUT, we've all been there, felt horrible guilt about eating something, thought "why work out if I'm just gonna eat crap," all those irrational and unhealthy thoughts. Now that you've had your tantrum, go to the gym.

    Sometimes extra carbs make your workouts better.
  • Quote: It's 300 calories. Get out of bed, put your big girl pants on and go work out. Eat your normal dinner and move on.
    I love this post. So true. Its so easy to say forget it when you mess up. The real challenge is giving yourself a break, not beating yourself up and moving on. One twix bar is not the death of your day. It does no ruin everything (even though its ok to be pissed at yourself) just keep going. Getting depressed about it is basically putting your hands in the air and giving up. Dont do that! Keep on trucking! You can't get pissed at yourself either if the scale goes up or stays the same. Chalk it up to a moment of weakness, accept it and go!
  • Quote: after 5 straight dAys of eating according to plan and exercising according to plan i had one pack of twix (2 sticks) and i let it ruin my complete mood. i was supposed to leave work and come home to exercise, instead im laying on my bed "crying" about how pissed i am because I ATE THAT TWIX!!! and somehow i have just convinced myself to skip my workout tonight do to being so "depressed" over that dumb twix! i know its stupid but thats just how it is sometimes!
    Oh come on! In your ordinary healthy life, surely you'll indulge in empty calorie food that are yummy from time to time. This is the rest of your life we're talking about. You've got to be normal in that little treats are allowed, but again, only occasionally. The old me would have eaten like 3 different candy bars in one sitting. The transforming me can be at a party and eat a bit of junk food but not go nuts and I'm losing! 300 pounds is hardly a thing to shoot yourself over!

    Strive to be healthy but remember to live a little too. Consider it one of your 2 allotted treats for the month. Don't give up and don't be sad. 365 days will pass whether you give up or not, and if you've spent the year falling and getting back up, you'll certainly be healthier and slimmer in 365 days than if you'd just given up completely at any point. That's what I always tell myself after a binge.
  • 300 calories is roughly 1/10th of a pound. It will not have a large impact on what you are trying to do, especially if you can sensibly reduce calories to make up for it. Can you have 60 fewer calories per day over the next 5 days, for example?

    I agree with DietVet. This is a great example of the fact that weight loss is largely mental. If we can understand that this behavior is stupid, like Krampus said, we have gained a huge victory. We all do stupid things. And often don't know why. But I think it helps to rationally evaluate our irrationality. Then, it's easier to take Sea girl's good advice and move on with our efforts as planned!

    Good on you for recognizing what you were doing, and how silly it was, and posting here.
  • Sometimes I think when we aren't working on our diets/ physical fitness we are way too easy on ourselves. We allow ourselves to be lazy lil couch potatoes and eat the worst foods when we really need a kick in the butt. But then we take the steps necessary to get healthy and in the process can become waaaayyy too hard on ourselves. We feel tremendous guilt and put a lot of pressure on ourselves. Last month I felt so guilty from having 2 s'mores when we camped out even though I was on WW and never went over my points. I had planned that treat into my daily diet and yet I felt guilt. Its nonsense. If you are too strict on yourself you will start to feel deprived which will probably cause you to go into a tailspin much worse than having a single twix. Stopping beating yourself up. Stop thinking today is ruined and you have to "start over" tomorrow or Monday or September 1st. Today isn't ruined. Your diet isn't ruined. Can you devote an extra half hour to your cardio routine to burn off some of those calories? Or have a lighter dinner? You are doing too well to let one little twix derail you. Let it go. That stress is only going to make you hold on to that fat. Studies show that stress hampers your weightloss and that women who stress a lot tend to store belly fat.