
  • How do you stay motivated to working out? I'm fine with the diet part just exercising is hard for me to do even though I enjoy the elliptical
  • Find something you REALLY enjoy. Find something that gets you pumped up and excited. Also, it's not always about motivation, it's about commitment. Make a commitment to yourself to get to the gym on a schedule. For me, gym time is part of my normal schedule. If I don't go, I mess up my whole routine.

    I lift weights because it creates results I can SEE and I can measure my progress. It's much easier to work hard at something when you have a goal you'd like to reach. I want to be able to do pullups. They are HARD, so I'm motivated to get to the gym and work on my goal.
  • Quote: Find something you REALLY enjoy. Find something that gets you pumped up and excited. Also, it's not always about motivation, it's about commitment.
    This exactly! I like walking but not so much on the treadmill. I have a treadmill but I actually walk more outside than on the treadmill. I really enjoy the scenery and the smell of fresh air, the sweat beading up and rolling down my face. It gives me a real sense of accomplishment and it makes my body feel better physically. I think if you find an exercise that you really enjoy, that will help you to get moving. I have noticed on evenings that I skip my walk my body just doesn't feel as good so as the previous poster said get on a schedule with your exercise too. I think you will looks forward to your workouts.
  • Sure, being healthier, fitter, and so on will have positive and maybe unexpected ripple effects. However, even as a slimmer person you’ll still have a bad day in the office, moments of self-doubt, or times when you feel undervalued.

    Many people feel let down when they become slimmer and then find that being slim doesn’t solve all their problems in one go. They then revert to eating poorly again. Don’t fall into this trap.

    You have lots of different needs which need to be fulfilled in life. Being slimmer, healthier, and fitter is just one of them.
  • I agree with the comments about finding something you enjoy.

    I also believe in variety. I try to do different things in the gym every time I visit during the week. One day is elliptical, the next may be incline walking on the treadmill. Today I did 20 minutes each on four different machines. I really hate weight training, but I know it's good for me, so I will try to use different machines or do free weights. Knowing I will be doing something different when I go to the gym that day makes me look forward to doing it. Well, as much as I can possibly look forward to getting up at 4...

    I also am motivated by personal challenges. Trying to run 4 miles was a goal and I achieved it. Lifting 5-10 lbs more or getting from 8 reps up to 12 motivates me a bit.

    Finally, going back to the variety theme, I like to mix up what I do on each machine. For example, on the elliptical, I was focusing on increasing the resistance level. To make it more interesting, I have switched over to a lower resistance and doing sprints instead, to build up speed rather than endurance. Sometimes I just do a moderate workout rather than an intense workout.
  • Regular working out really needs strong commitment and motivation. Get motivation from the people who have achieved good fitness goals. See motivational videos and photos. A personal trainer can motivate you more fot getting the results.
  • I agree with the comments on finding a physical activity you enjoy doing and mixing things up. The element of fun is very important when it comes to forming a habit. You can do something out of discipline or force yourself to do something you hate for the sake of reaching your goal--which in this case is weight loss. You may be able to push yourself and keep up with what you are doing for a time, but it is very unlikely that you will sustain the activity for good. Trust me. I’ve fought this battle too many times to count.

    The best way to get and remain active is to choose ACTIVITIES you enjoy. Find several activities you love and create an exercise plan that involves all of them. For example, you can do brisk walking on Mondays, weight training on Tuesdays, elliptical workouts on Wednesdays, back to weight training for Thursdays then some cycling on Fridays and so on. The idea is to vary activity to keep things interesting. You can choose to do a different activity per day or per week. Whenever you start to get bored with your workouts, find new ones that will get you excited.