Thursday Chatters Enjoying August

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  • Hi all,
    How has your day been? I didn't exercise today. I will tomorrow.

    Maureen, congrats on all your walking.

  • Hello all. I made it back to my meeting on Thursday after not making it for about 4-5 weeks. With that said I have gone up a few pounds, but I expected it so it will be okay. I'm back on the wagon and know that I can do this. Hope everyone is doing well.
  • Yea, Dori. I am so proud of you!!!!!
    You can do this!

    My measurements are better. My stomach is actually getting smaller. Now, I just wish the scale would move.

    It is quiet right now. I hope everyone had a good Friday.

  • Hi everyone! Just a quick fly by to say hi! On my way to work!!! (overtime)

    YAY TO TARGET GOING TO CANADA!!!!!! You girls will love it!

    WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME TO LAURA!!! You will love these girls! Keep up the good work!

    Susan - Hi! Miss you!
    Tina - Glad you had a great time at the beach! Hope your summer has been restful!
    Maureen & Marion - My canadian friends......hope everyone is healthy!
    Hi Dori!
    Tammy - I've been following you on fb! Seems you've been pretty busy!

    Hope I didnt miss anyone! Have a great weekend. We are getting a break from the hot, humid weather. Forecast shows high 70's!!!!!!!!!!!! for the next 14 days! Wow!!!!!!!
  • Good morning!!!!

    I hope everyone is having a super weekend.

  • Hi everyone, just stopping by to say hi. I'm looking forward to weighing Thursday. I'm only 4 lbs away from my August goal. I would luv to meet that goal early. Trying to stay away from the scale between now and then.
  • Hi everyone

    Tina how've you been? anything new and exciting happening? it's been really quiet on the boards lately. I managed to walk home yesterday and it looks like the weather will be nice enough to do so again today. After 6 weeks of on line WW I managed to lose 5 lbs!!! Just 1 more to get into the next set of 10's - hopefully this sunday

    Laura you're doing fantastic - keep it up

    well, here's to a great rest of the day

  • Hi all,
    We went back to the beach for a few nights. This is something that we never do. It was fun and lots of exercise! I am anxious to weigh.

    Laura, you are doing great!

    Jeanne, it is good to hear from you.

    Maureen, you're right, it's way too quiet around here.
    I understand that it's crazy you doing all that walking and staying OP and just losing a few pounds. HOWEVER, you are so consistant in your exercising and eating healthy. I'll bet those pounds just fall off some day soon.

  • sounds like you had a nice time at the beach -I managed to walk home 3 nights this week - so not too bad - it's crazy busy at work.

    I was wondering if anyone on here had skype? if you did we could have our own meeting on line

    it's an idea

    well hope we all have a great evening

    talk to you all later
  • Morning everyone! Still working o.t!!!! Hope everyone is healthy and active and enjoying summer. It is coming to an end.

    Heading into work. Have a great day. I'll check back over the w/e and post!!!!!!!
  • Happy Friday!

    Jeanne, that's great about getting some overtime.
    Dori, how's it going?
    Janelle, it has been awhile. Hope things are okay and your husband is doing good.
    Susan, come back to us.

    Maureen, no I don't have skype. I have something on the iPad. ?????

    Sis, hope you aren't buried under house repairs. How are you???

    Today it has been raining. I am tired from our trip and don't want to move.

    Any plans for the weekend?
  • Good morning all. Things are going well. I had my weigh in on Thursday and was surprised to be down 3.2#. Woot woot! Work is good as well. I have a great group of kids this year. I'm going to have to do some accommodations and modifications to make sure they are grasping the material but that is part of my job so it will be okay. The main struggle for me right now is my spiritual walk. I know it's not God's intention for me to continually struggle so I have to get off my butt and do what I know I need to do. I must do my part.

    Well with all that said I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Remember to drink your water and keep your booties moving.
  • Dori, good for you with the loss - that's so encouraging
    Tina, hope you're relaxing and enjoying the weekend.
    Jeanne don't work too hard - relax a bit
    Today I'm going to my sister's and having vegan lasagna for supper. I was up at 5 this morning and got my washing done and actually washed my floors!! I hate housework but it had to be done

    let's all have a great day on program

    we're worth it

  • Maureen, how was the lasagna?
  • Tina, it was great!!!