WW MM CHALLENGE! July & August - Week 5!

  • Welcome to WEEK 5 of the July & August WW MM CHALLENGE!

    Here's the spreadsheet LINK! We're on Week 5 - 7/30/2012.

    End of July! Oh my!

    How's the month been, everyone? Any changes to note? Any thoughts about the upcoming month?

    Keep cool and keep updating!
  • Hey, everyone ^^

    Just wanted to get the new thread up being hitting the hay. I'll give the full update tomorrow.
  • Hey all! Feeling good...another loss for the week. I was strictly sticking to the points, and watching the booze last week and it apparently worked. We are camping and boating next weekend, so that'll be a toughie. But, I have one friend who is a great support, so that will make it easier.

    Hope everyone is ready for the beginning of another week! Good luck all!!!
  • Well no gain no loss but it is ok I have not been tracking like I should and these past 4 or 5 days have been hectic....Did I mention I have scrubbed and completely painted two bathrooms including ceilings? I am so tired. Anyway my eating has not really been bad just not that great I found myself snacking in the evenings something I need to either cut back or find new snacks
  • Hello all!

    We got the house, keys and all! but we are not moving in until Saturday. Spent all day painting yesterday including the ceiling so I feel ya, Nancy! We still have to do a bit more painting but we have to get the floors done today so we will continue the rest of painting tomorrow if the floor dries in time.

    I did great last week with my "no-booze" goal. Setting that same goal for this week with the exception for last night after painting, I limited myself to 2 cans of beer. I am going to try my best this week to track but I won't really worry too much about it until after we are all moved in and etc.
  • Wow, you gals are making me wish my project is started. We are getting ready to remodel our bathroom. I have been going from store to store looking for bargains. I can't believe how much they want for bathroom vanities!!! Anyway, I always loved the finished project, but the "doing" part of the remodeling stinks!

    We leave right after work for Shelbyville Lake...beautiful lake in central Illinois. I have logged my points for the weekend, but a few spares in case. Hope to stay on track and away from the beer. I packed a few of the Miller 64...send me some willpower!!! Hope all you have a wonderful weekend and we'll see ya on Monday!