Normal BMI! (SV? NSV?)

  • I plugged my weight and height into a BMI calculator on a whim and I know BMI is not highly valued by a lot of people in the medical field but to see something tell me "Normal weight range" is amazingly empowering for me! I had to share because I really never thought I'd be able to make it this far and now it seems more possible. I hope everyone finds those little things to keep them going, I just wanted to share one of mine.
  • Woot woot!

    I was freaking ecstatic when my BMI finally hit 24.9!

  • Whether BMI is the best way to judge or not, it didn't stop me from being thrilled when I finally crossed into "normal" territory too. Congratulations!!
  • Thanks, ladies! Congrats to you as well.
  • Congrats!!! I cannot wait for that day!!!