Medifast and feeding your family!

  • Hello,
    My name is Cassandra. Let me first say I lost about 40 pounds 6 months after my daughter was born but I did not complete the maintenance phase and regained my weight back. I am back on Medifast and am wondering if any of you have toddlers while you are losing weight. I am concerned about her becoming picky because I won't be eating fruits, bread, etc for a while.
    Any suggestions would be welcome!
    Also I am 39 years old....yes started late having children.


  • I don't think your daughter will become a picky eater if you keep exposing her to good and healthy food. Both of my children ( now 10 and 7) eat things my husband would never touch ( black olives, avocados, strawberries, hummus) because I have always put those kinds of things on their plates. I read once that it takes about 10 tries of a new food for a kid to like it. Just keep putting healthy food on her plate and I think she will be fine.
    Good luck!
  • Just ensure you expose her to a variety of foods, and don't give up on a food if she doesn't like it the first time. I read somewhere that it can take multiple exposures to a food sometimes before a child will like it.
  • Sounds like your daughter is still pretty young; I wouldn't fret too much about creating a picky eater, especially if you're not planning to stay on the plan for years and years. It's probably more beneficial for her to see you as a healthy woman in the years to come than it could be harmful for her to see you dieting for a short time. However, if your diet is restricted for years and years, she might start to think that is normal.
  • I want to than all of you for giving some great tips!
    I want to lose it this time and keep it off!
  • I use to include the same dinner for my daughter. We would get chicken and broccoli all the time. I know this is not good but she even use to drink some of my turkey hill diet iced tea. Now my daughter is 5 and now she is kinda picky but I don't think it is because of me. One week she would like something and next week she wouldn't