Nothing is working...

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  • before I go intot his I just want people to understand that I have had THREE different doctors approve this I'm not going just off of a quick fix.

    I am at 800 calories a day. I've been doing it for 2 weeks and at first it was it seems like I retain water, and gain, and the next day I'm down beyond what I was the first day.

    What's frustrating me is I am NOT cheating. At all. I know today I ate a little bit later than normal...7...but because of that I guarantee I will have a gain in the morning.

    As for weighing in weekly, it isn`t going to happen. I hold myself more accountable if I do it daily.

    People are telling me to increase me calorie intake, which a few months ago I did, to 1200, and then 1400, and I still never lost....gain gain gain. So my body hates that number for some reason.

    I`ve heard of the HCG diet but wanted to ask others what they thought in regards to it.

  • What is your weight at? I am not going to tell you that eating 800 calories isn't okay, because as long as you feel okay and you're getting enough of what you need I don't see a problem with it... are you working out? What are you eating on a normal day?
  • Normally on a given day, for breakfast I have egg whites, pita, and a fruit --usually apple.

    For lunch I usually have a shake.

    For supper I usually have a chicken breast and a small salad.

    I feel fine...not sick or light headed.

    I work out, but more or less walking and running for an hour with the fiance. Did you notice that you had days that you lost nothing?
  • I tried the HCG diet and didn't notice any difference in weight loss than when I ate healthy and hit the gym. It also made me extremely moody and I broke out in acne like a teenager. Maybe try a different exercise routine?
  • I'm not going to tell you to NOT eat 800 calories, but my opinion- and that of 1000's of doctors- is that 800 isn't enough even to sustain your body to live, let alone allow it to lose excess weight. Your body is in starvation-mode, at anything especially below 1200 cals.. so it's going to hold onto everything it can so you can SURVIVE. I was eating 1200 cals for months and my loss stalled in a big way, plus I was always ravenously hungry.. I decided to follow the "Olivia Method" about a month ago, and I lost 4 lbs the first week, and 2 additional lbs the next. The scale loss is slowing because I've added weight lifting, but I can tell my inches are rapidly decreasing, and I'm officially now the lowest weight I've been in over a decade. From INCREASING my cals to 1500.

    I'm sorry you're having a rough time. If you're ever interested in hearing more about that method, feel free to talk to me.
  • have you checked with the doctors who put you on this diet?

    how much weight have you lost in the 2 whole weeks you've been doing it?

    what are you expecting as a "normal" weight loss from it?

    There are days and weeks where I lose nothing. Just because you start drastically reducing your calories doesn't mean you'll wake up every day to a lower number. Weight loss is not linear. Your diet looks very low in nutrition, so while 2 weeks in you may feel fine - 2 months in you may notice hair loss, mood changes from lack of fat, low energy, getting sick more.

    Is this a plan you intend to stick with for the rest of your life, or some short term fix recommended by your doctors for some health reason?
  • In the two weeks I am down 7.9 pounds.

    I'm only expecting two pounds a week, so I am getting past that, but there are days where it makes absolutely no sense why I am gaining.

    What exactly isthe Olivia method?
  • re:
    Almost 8lbs in two weeks is fantastic!

    You can't look at the daily gains and losses at all -really. You have to look at the long term and how it works out. Recently there have been weeks where I have lost nothing at all and bam a week where I lose 5. Overall I've averaged about 9lbs a month.
  • Thanks! The last two days were hard, but this morning when I stepped on the scale I felt a lot better. It was down .7, so it was finally a good sign. I find it so much easier to stay on track when I am at home, and not at work.
  • Quote: What exactly isthe Olivia method?
    It's a method that utilizes your BMR, and is very personalized to your needs. I haven't forgotten about you, it was just a very busy weekend- I will explain in more detail when I get home from work tonight.
  • Don't expect a clear line of being .1 or whatever of a lb lower each day. Weight loss doesn't work that way. Even if you're eating at a calorie deficit, the weight of food and water in your body changes constantly. Overall, if you stick with a calorie deficit, you will lose weight month to month. Just not necessarily day to day or even week to week all the time thanks to hormonal fluctuations.
  • Yes, this morning I was down another .2. It's going slower, but it's going. Some days it's 1 pound, others it's .1 or .2 It's been two weeks today and total I am down 8.1 not bad!
  • Let me tell you from experience that you are causing your body harm. I was eating more calories than you, but I work out A LOT ...burning about 1000 calories or more a day and my hair was falling out, etc. You do need to up your calories. I am now doing the Olivia method as well, thanks to girlsenberry, and I finally feel better. I was exhausted and feeling weak after 15 months of starving my body. I have been doing it only a few days and went down 2lbs by also raising my calories. When you eat that little you are only hurting your metabolism and creating problems later. If you hit a plateau and stop losing, you cannot lower your calories anymore. This was something I didn't understand either. Your body needs fuel to burn more fat.
  • Could someone please explain the olivia method?
  • The "olivia method" is simply creating a calorie deficit, apparently named after someone using My Fitness Pal to do the calculation. It's a mathematical approach that factors in your BMR, your calorie intake, and how many calories you burn through exercise.

    I use Lose it and do something similar: set a calorie budget for the day and "eat back" some of my exercise calories. Determining one's exercise calories is notoriously difficult, though, so that number is really just a guess. And even if, by some miracle, someone managed to create a deficit of exactly 1000 calories per day, it's unlikely that person would lose exactly 2 pounds per week. It just doesn't work that way, especially if you don't have much to lose. And if you have a lot to lose, like me, you'd be better off finding a longer-term solution than eating only 800 calories a day.