How much water do you drink?

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  • I had a coworker tell me I was drinking too much water I drink 60-90 oz a day, some days much less if I can't get enough in and my body definately suffers and I retain water like crazy. I don't do low sodium well let's rephrase that I don't over do the sodium but I still intake sodium. I'm aware too much water can flush out important minerals and vitamins out of your system but at what point does it do that? So how much water do you all drink?
  • Between 84 and 120oz, which seems normal for me. Good for you that you drink lots of water it does a body good. Plus, if you can tell when you don't get enough means you are listening to what your body needs another plus.
  • I have a trainer at my gym that says we should drink half our body weight (in oz) of water.. so I should be drinking 80 oz ish of water..
  • Thedollylala- I'd say about the same as you, maybe up to 100oz, depending if I had a high sodium day. Though it also includes coffee, diet soda and sometimes smoothies with juice in it. Sometimes I try to be conscious and not overdo it because it usually means frequent bathroom trips, lol.
  • I've been averaging 64-120 oz on a good day. The only time I would consider consuming too much water bad is if you're SERIOUSLY jugging it down in a matter of seconds. That can result in death or serious injury. A few years ago a woman died from doing that for a contest.
  • 2-3 litres a day.
  • I'd be happy if I could get 4 glasses of water down. My one big fault. I don't drink water.

    Work in progress.

    To clarify, I don't drink soda or anything either. I guess I'm just not a big "drinker"...when I'm thirsty I'll have a DRINK of water. Other than coffee in the morning, I don't get around to drinking anything else.
  • Not a water drinker, never have been. I will have a big glass of ice water at night a few times a week when I feel like it but I usually just hate it. lemon crystal light etc don't help. I drink tea (homemade with very little sugar), and lots of it - and diet coke, lol. I know I should drink more water but it's just not something I've ever been able to make myself do reguardless of the benefits.
  • I don't drink water, just tea. In a pint and a half mug. Six, maybe eight of them a day. So between nine and twelve pints, generally. Google's telling me nine pints is 180 ounces. So I guess that's quite a lot. On the plus side, I've been weighing daily since February and never really seen any water weight spikes - I think my body knows there's plenty available and doesn't see any reason to cling on to it. The downside is I pee a LOT.
  • Thanks for all the answers, I guess I wanted to clarify that I wasn't going to keel over any time soon from too much water hah.
  • I drink upwards of 120oz a day... sometimes more. I usually have a mug of tea with my vitamins in the morning, and then I have 4 or 5 20oz bottles of water at work, with the last one coming home with me... At home, I usually finish that one off, and I'll have one more if I'm going to Zumba, and if I'm not, I'll likely have a 12oz can of cherry coke zero. So... maybe 140oz, LOL. And I'm still here... going on 2 years drinking that much every day, and even sometimes more.
  • About 130 ounces a day. It use to be about meeting a quota when I first started drinking more water (By more I mean getting 60oz) but now I drink when I want.. which just happens to be frequently!

    But yeah, you aren't drinking too much. My male friends tell me I drink too much water and I'm washing away my nutrients but I figure if that was happening I wouldn't feel right.. and I feel fine.
  • You shouldn't be worried about it unless you are showing symptoms like dizzyness, nausea or fatigue. The whole 8 cups of water (and only water above and beyond food) a day thing has been debunked and now the general thinking is that all fluid from food/drink sources counts and should be around 90 ounces.

    Your coworkers may be dealing with filtered information regarding electrolyte or potassium deficits that athletes (especially elite/marathoner) can experience. If you want to get more information look up water poisoning/intoxication and Hyponatremia.

    In the end, you know your body and if you feel better with your current level of hydration, stick with it. Plus you're on my MFP feed, and I see your workouts! You need that fluid and the salt.

    and to answer your question I drink a minimum of 8 cups of tea and 2 full leaded Pepsi a day (trying to get back to 1 a day).
  • I drink according to thirst and have never precisely tallied up the amount. I probably take in about 7 to 8 cups of fluid per day, almost none in plain water. (I drink coffee, tea, sparkling water/juice mix, and a little wine.) I also have low blood pressure so I don't restrict my sodium at all.

  • I've recently increased my water intake. Now I'm drinking between 2 and 2.5litres(68oz to 85oz) a day.