Maintainers Weekly Chat June 25 - July 1

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  • In contrast to a week ago when it was too chilly to be eat outside, we had dinner on the patio last night in perfect summer weather. It only takes a few square feet and view of a few plants to pretend we're on an estate overlooking a wilderness.

    Picked the last of the Sugar Snaps from our community garden. Sorry to see them done, but grateful that we had a good crop this year. In the previous few years, a flock of English Sparrows have eaten the budding plants before they had a chance. This year they survived, perhaps due to the strings of ribbons we put over them when we put them in the ground.

    I've googled some pictures of Stand Up Paddleboards (SUP) in action - your new sport looks neat, Dagmar.
  • SUP is totally neat Bill. I'm hoping that whatever happened to my back was not a result of the new sport as I really want to continue with it. And I have all the gear now. DH suggested going out for 15 minutes next time and I will take that advice.

    I ama taking today off to be sure the spasms have subsided enough that I can get in and out of the car without too much difficulty. I have never been immobilized by pain that came on so quickly and have a new understanding of people who have to live with constant pain and a permanent disability. I'm so glad my body is strong and healthy (most of the time).

    I'm very lucky that I've escaped any major body traumas up to now. I'm already getting a referral to a chiropractor and I'm hoping to get some strong anti-inflammatory meds from my doctor.

    Today will be vacation planning day. Even though I have several big physical projects that need to be done I will force myself to take it easy today. Ditto next weekend which is a long weekend for us. My work schedule goes into overdrive after that and I have to be back in shape for it.

    Good week everyone!

  • Dagmar, sorry to hear your back's messed up. Agree with you that it's tough to imagine what it's like to go thru life with a chronic pain condition. Feel better soon and get back in the water!
  • The countdown to my vacation is on. But there is so much to get done in the mean time.

    DH decided to wash our mattress cover yesterday and it shredded! So off to Bed, Bath & Beyond after the movie yesterday. Got home and was ready to make the bed and we had bought the wrong thing. It was just a mattress topper--with no sides to keep it in place. So I'll be heading back there today unless Chico decides to go to work with me today. I think I'll leave him home because I need to do several errands during or after work and having him along is impossible (except for perhaps the pet food store as I could take him in there with me).
  • Good morning everyone!

    Hope your back feels better quickly-- sounds like you are treating it properly Dagmar.

    Allison-- when do you leave?

    I leave tomorrow early for Arizona with dd for her college orientation-- we return late Wednesday night. So I know I won't be able to get any real exercise in those two days. I've been pushing it hard so I'm sure my body will appreciate a break.

    I've been eating perfectly and exercising tons and my dumb body is still hanging onto the extra 4 or so pounds I don't want. I'm getting frustrated so what am I planning? A couple of days off from exercise and at least two off plan meals in Arizona-- we'll see what if any damage that causes.
  • Back to weights and running this week after a week "off" due to very minor lower back pain. I am very bloated from the weekend and feel like I have lost a ton of fitness. I swear my thighs have turned from lean machines to humongous globules that want to rub together.
  • My apartment is nearly done, according to two other ground-floor residents who've stopped in to talk with the contractor about their own jobs while he was working there.

    But next week I'm supposed to go to Wellfleet, out on Cape Cod, to stay with friends for a few days, including the July 4th holiday. I accepted this invitation months ago, unsure of where I'd be living when it came through, and unfortunately now it coincides with finishing up my apartment. My mother keeps urging me to go as a break from everything. I love the Outer Cape, so I'll go, but I'm not quite at peace with my plans. I'll loop back through downstate and look over my apartment on July 5th or July 6th before driving back Upstate.

    In the meantime, I need to focus on my job all week to get through this.

    I mean, there's nothing I can do at my apartment, really. Not till the bathroom tile has been grouted, the backsplash has been attached in place, and the electricity has been turned on. Also the cleaning crew needs to go through & get rid of the remaining drywall dust. And there is a final paint touch-up coming as well.
  • Dagmar, hope your back is better soon.

    Saef, I'm glad to hear your apartment is almost done! Have fun on your holiday.

    DH and I went to see Snow White and the Huntsman this weekend. It was okay, not great, not bad. DH says he doesn't want to see any more movies because sitting in the theater chairs is too uncomfortable, but then he backed up and said he would go see Batman with me when it comes out. If it was just him he would probably wait for it on DVD but he knows I have been a Batman fan for most of my life. Actually speaking of Batman, we watched the animated Batman move Under the Red Hood last weekend and it was really quite good.

    My weight is hanging out around red line. I can't seem to bring myself to care. If I go over then I'll do something, but for now, even though it's higher than my ideal, it's really not that big a deal. I'm feeling lazy this summer. I was reading an interview with Michelle Obama the other day and it was kind of nice to see that she uses one of the same techniques as me -- dessert is okay, but only on the weekend. Everything in moderation.
  • I've been bouncing the same four pounds up and down for five solid months now. I got down to 132 for a blip, then popped back up to my 135-139 paddleball. I've been so constantly freaking out that it has become a low hum in the background that I don't notice anymore.

    DSS has been put on medication by his psychiatrist. He's been on it for a week today. No side effects yet, but not much impact either. I know it takes 2-4 weeks to work, we'll see what happens.

    I'm getting my fence installed this week - I'm going to rent a metal detector today to mark the corner pins so I can run a string for the property line for installation.
  • Shannon-- Hooray on the fence!!

    On dss and the medication-- he's out of school right? Is he in daycare I assume? It seems like it would be a little difficult to tell how effective it is if he isn't in a school situation. I'll cross my fingers that you see tremendous improvement soon!
  • Ohh! Dagmar, hope your back gets better soon. I had some spasms a few months ago that dropped me to my knees. I'd rather have a baby!

    Saef, hope you get to move home soon.

    Allison, have fun vacation!

    Krampus, my workouts, a bit more sporadic, very busy and gym cuts hours in the summer. Keep up the good work.

    Shannon, hugs for your DSS and hooray for fence.

    For me this is a fly by! We are in the midst of wheat harvest. And it's hotter that the hounds of he** here and dryer than a popcorn fart.

    Since my Dh and my 1000 gallon water tank are now in the field, it's up to me to come home from work and drag around 450 foot of garden hose to water our new 250 shelter belt trees in the staggering 100+ degree heat.

    Who knew that was such a killer workout, plus while you're waiting on the water, may as well weed the tree row. Hoe, Hoe, Hoe!

    Along with this, need to keep the garden and the outdoor potted plants and herbs watered. Needless to say, I might be a bit absent in posting, but thinking of all of you.

    Getting a heck of a tan!
  • We're trying to trap the feral momma kitty this week, and once she gets fixed, we'll attempt to get her kittens. DH and I went down to work last night to check the trap, and it was empty. Waiting to hear if she (or anyone else) is in it this morning. Meanwhile, the process of trapping/neutering/releasing permeated my dreams last night. I spent way too much time thinking about it and not sleeping as well. And wouldn't you know it, as soon as I fall back to sleep I have a horrible dream about arriving home to find one of my kitties outside and injured (he was missing a foot). Thankfully it was just a dream but a dream that woke me with a start.

    And it's hotter that the hounds of he** here and dryer than a popcorn fart.
    That made me laugh! Thanks for the visual, but we're often in the same type of weather. I had a dream the other night that I was driving to work and fire after fire after fire kept popping up on the hills on the other side of the valley. The other day we had four in the valley--all quickly contained, thankfully, but the arid conditions and lack of rainfall this past year doesn't bode well for California's fire season.
  • Today looks like rain. Supposed to be going to "Eve of Destruction" to watch cars smash into each other and school bus races tonight, but it could get rained out.

    alinnell, it must be hard dealing with the constant possibility of fire. I have a friend who is a wildfire firefighter in Arizona and they have been overwhelmed this season.

    shcirerf, there's a reason farmers are so buff! stay cool in the heat!

    Shannon, hope all goes well with DSS and his new meds.

    paperclippy, I've always said life without dessert would not be worth living.

    saef, how's the workload? the Cape is so beautiful, I hope I can make it out there this summer.
  • I forgot to say yesterday that DH & I saw Iron Maiden in concert on Saturday - it was a fantastic show. They haven't been in Atlanta since 1988 and the show was packed!
  • Hi all,

    I have been scrambling the last few days, trying to clean up before TS Debby could whisk away BF's stuff under the house, the cars, etc, and BF has been out securing boats and helping people with generators. My house has been without power since Sunday morning and we are not expected to get power back for at least a week. BF has the generator running for now so at least the fridge is plugged in, and we have a fan to sleep with. We got a foot of rain in the last two days and the storm surge came up into the driveway (my house is on pilings so this is not too scary). My office has power back, so it's work today as sort-of usual, but we're cleaning up a lot of tree limbs and debris. My neighborhood has an 8:00 PM curfew which I find kind of funny. I've never had a curfew before! Right now my diet is trying to eat what's in the fridge and freezer, in case the generator conks out. It's going to be tough if we have to keep it running for more than a week.

    Quote: And it's hotter that the hounds of he** here and dryer than a popcorn fart.
    Thanks, I needed a good laugh! Sounds like you've very busy. Stay cool!

    Allison, what a bad dream. It's good of you to get these cats taken care of. We have a huge feral cat problem here and many people don't see a problem with them reproducing over and over and over...

    Shannon, glad your fence is getting installed. The concert sounds fun!

    Michele, enjoy your trip. It's funny when the body wants to lose weight and when it wants to hang on to it. Maybe the workout break will actually help you.

    Dagmar, I just tried paddleboarding a few weeks ago and I love it too! I would think it would strengthen your core, not hurt it. Have fun! Hope your back feels better soon.

    Jessica, join the "lazy" club - that's exactly what I'm feeling too! I made some progress this spring and lately just can't seem to stick to a diet. I can't offer any advice bc I have the same problem! Hmm... oh well. Moderation is definitely key though.

    Saef, I hope you enjoy your trip and get to relax. You can move when you get back... nbd. Go have fun!

    Bill, mmm, I also love sugar snaps fresh from the garden. They are delicious!