Time to really lose the weight for good

  • Hello all!
    My name is Emmy. I just turned 20 this past month and have struggled with weight my whole life. I have recently put in much more due to stress and bad eating habits. I've joined 3fc becus I know I will need all the support I can get since its hard when your mother and all your friends are twigs and your boyfriend just eats whatever he wants and dosent think twice about it.
    If any one has and advice for me on how to start this weight loss adventure please let me know. I'm all ears
  • Hi Emmy, welcome and well done for making the descion to change. I know how daunting it is to get started, but believe me, its sooo worth it!! How much do you think you wanna loose? What sort of plan are you going with?

    I know how you feel with the man in your life, mine eats like no tomorrow but puts nothing, and I mean NOTHING on!! Urgh!! But that's life I suppose.

    Anyway, have fun here and get involved!!

    Good luck!!
  • I feel your pain; everyone around me seems to be skinny and my boyfriend is a big guy I got many bad eatting habbits from him and that I work at dunkin donuts losing weight is an amazing feeling all u need is a jump start then once u notice weight is gone its so much,easier good luck ! God knows we all know it
  • Hey Emmy, welcome!

    So, let's see.
    This is what -I- did. I've been having luck with it. I'm no doctor or nutritionist or anything- it's always wise to see a doc before you start working out or changing how you eat.
    I count calories. There are lots of great sites for that. I love SparkPeople personally. Or you can use a pen and paper, there are also great apps for both iPhone and Android. I usually aim for between 1200-1500 per day.

    After you figure that out, consider exercise. What do you want to do? How much time can you put into it? What do you enjoy doing? Cardio is a great place to start. Lots of people do weightlifting also and have excellent success I do 45 mins of cardio (I love the elliptical) and then do Jillian Michael's body revolution. If you don't want to join a gym, consider a workout video. Or running. Or anything that gets your heart rate up and gets you movin'!

    Start by taking some before pictures, btw :] It'll be fun to look at your progress!
  • Hi Emmy, and all beautiful Ladies!

    I start my day with a early, early morning walk (usually 15 minutes at 5 in the morning when suns rising, it sounds grossly early, but it's so clear and beautiful out, gives me time to smile and think about this life change)

    I also watch biggest loser clips, extreme weight loss clips, or anything weight loss struggle clips on youtube or tv shows or read in magazine because it lets me know that i'm not alone and that others have done it successfully.

    Food is my weakness, isn't it everyones. But the more you exercise, the more you will want to eat better...it's a naturally change. You know what is good to eat and what is bad, so food should be (it isn't for me, but I'm trying) simple to change.

    We got this ladies!!!! Let's be fat heifers no more!!