Meetings and Scale Calibrations

  • I weigh-in at a community center and the scales get packed up each week and taken to another location for another weigh-in. This goes back and forth each week.

    Well I have been noticing that I am not loosing weight as quickly as it shows on my personal scale at home (and my clothes are getting looser - indicating that I am loosing weight). Example - last week I lost .6 at the meeting but on my scale it showed a 2.5 lb loss.

    I am going to be testing it for the next few weeks -along with taking my measurements - to see if there is some sort of calibration error.

    A friend of mine, who weighs in a neighboring town, said their leader reported a calibration error over the past few weeks and credited her members with 2 free weeks (nobody lost weight THAT week).

    Has anyone had any experience with this? I'm sure those who weigh in at designated WW Center are fine because their scales stay staionary.

  • I've never thought about this. The WW scales are really top of the line scales so I've always assumed that they were accurate. I have notice recently that there is not the usual 2 point spread from my scales (in the morning nude), to their scales (in the evening wearing my weigh in clothes). Other members have lost weight from the week before so my conclusion is that it is just me.
  • W/W personnel are taught to calibrate the scales when they set them up no matter how often they are packed up. The digital ones are very easy to calibrate but the 'doctor' type are not so easy.