Lack of Hunger ALL Week??

  • It's so weird, for the first time ever that i can recall, I"m not hungry at all this week. I didn't weigh in last week as i was away on Vacation. Not sure what my weight is but having trouble meeting my 31 pts a day and haven't touched my weeklies. How is this? Nothing has changed other than I did drink and ate a bit differently and maybe a bit more than i normally do, but tracked everything. The other thing that has changed is that my bf started WW 2 weeks ago and we are together alot after work, so maybe us doing this together is actually working as he's not snacking on junk anymore

    Anyone else have weeks like this? I feel like a bird, eating small amount of fruit for breakfast, small salad at lunch and a small dinner.

    SO let me tell you, if i don't lose this week heads are gonna roll lol!!!
  • I had weeks like that. I don't know why. I think it just happens sometimes.

    I would kill for a week like that now. I am STARVING all the time lately!
  • Oh don't get me wrong....this is RARE lol!!! Wonder if it's because it's been really hot here, sometimes that supresses hunger I think! Oh i'll take it lol!
  • Quote: Oh don't get me wrong....this is RARE lol!!! Wonder if it's because it's been really hot here, sometimes that supresses hunger I think! Oh i'll take it lol!
    That can help! I am inside all day in aircon so I don't feel the heat, so I am happily eating! Lol
  • Hah I'd take a few weeks like that.

    Man hard to believe when I joined WW I was all WAH HARD TO EAT ALL MY POINTS. Definitely no problem getting them all in now!
  • I go in cycles like that but it usually only lasts a few days in a row now for an entire week. And on those weeks I usually don't lose--go figure?

    So enjoy the the ride it sounds like you are doing awesome!
  • I have had weeks like that as well - not often but surely welcomed!!! Its starting to get really hot here in good ol' Arizona (currently 105 outside!) and I've noticed my hunger is definitely taking a vacation. Which is fine with me
  • Ugh. The heat here definitely has an impact on my hunger. I'm not looking forward to this summer. It was pretty horrendous las year and is already pretty gross here.
  • Well it paid off, lost 1 lb. this week, happy since it's after a week away on vacation 1 lb away from my 5%!! Yay!!
  • Yay!!!!!
  • Remember that if you are eating more power foods than you used too, you should be fuller longer.