Book review - Jillian Michaels' Master your Metabolism

  • Edit: Okay, this is more of a rant than a book review but it might inform you whether you want to buy it or not.

    Just read an ebook of Jillian Michaels' Master Your Metabolism. Erm, it was certainly an interesting read, but what she's telling you to do diet and lifestyle-wise is a little unattainable for a lot of people, I'd say.

    Her overall message is stop eating and drinking chemical laden foods, including diet drinks like diet coke. Okay, that's doable, if a little awkward when you're out and need to buy something to eat that's healthy and low calorie but also a bit more filling than an apple. Slim-fasts are usually my go-to in an outside situation, or a low calorie bar and maybe some pepsi max as a treat.

    But then she says buy all organic. I totally agree with organic produce, I do, but it's freaking expensive! I'm currently an unemployed student, and she's a hollywood darling. Hm.

    Next, the attack is on packaging. Chemicals and hormones can apparently leach into your food and drink, so avoid all of these plastics: -insert long list of hard to pronounce complex plastics here- and have wood or paper packaged food. ... Nowhere I know even offers food in wood or paper...

    Next, the water that comes from your tap at home. I had no problem drinking tap water. It's not as great tasting as bottled (plastic wrapped!!) water but it's fine.. but apparently it's loaded with chemicals and hormones, which I can well believe. I don't disagree with that at all. But her methods of getting around it are ridiculous. Get a reverse-osmosis tank filter installed? I don't even know if that kind of thing is available in my country... and she admits herself that it's wasteful, you go through 20 gallons or something for every one gallon you can use from it. Alternatively she suggests getting filter jugs, like Brita. Okay, I could get one of those, but have you seen how much they cost?

    And then she attacks medications, with "anti-" pills being her worst offenders. I have clinical depression, and I went for ten years of misery before I was put on medication and my life improved vastly. I can't come off them, sorry.

    As for the home - she tells you to avoid chemical products and most plastics in practically everything. Children's toys, baby bottles, oil bottles, air fresheners, detergents, clothes, bedsheets, makeup and cosmetics, shampoo... I DON'T LIVE IN A BUDDHIST COMMUNE AND I DON'T HAVE A £1000 WEEKLY SHOPPING BUDGET, JILLIAN.

    Last but not least, I'm a vegetarian. Reading through her weekly menus of the plan, every freaking meal had a slab of meat it it. I'm not joking. I avoid cow milk for ethical reasons too, and she repeatedly tells the reader to avoid soy products like they're the devil.

    So, all in all, maybe I'll try to get organic stuff where I can afford and cut out the soft drinks, but other than that, her plan ain't for me.
  • Advice like that just makes me more anxious! Pick you battles....