Ughhh why now?! Stretch Marks.

  • I thought I was in the clear with these beasties. They aren't pretty but from far away you couldn't really tell anymore.

    I've been wearing Spanx like every day since I had my daughter. I've taken a few days off here and there, but for the most part I always have a tank on. I'm tall, I don't want to show crack, they hold everything in... just my security blanket.

    Today, I discovered another reason. I've been wearing shorts and loose flowy tops all week, so I've been trying to grab the confidence to go without. Then today, I noticed blood on my shirt... I inspected for damage and realized that all around my waist, where my pants rub, the stretch marks are splitting and bleeding . They did this when I was pregnant... but they're not stretched now! What gives?!

    Is there anything that will fix this aside from a removal of the skin? I really don't want to live in Spanx for the rest of my life! But, it hurts
  • Are the stretch marks white or ourple/pinkish?
  • They were white/silvery... but now they're looking pretty angry and red. I got them with my son in 2004... didn't get any new ones when I was pregnant in 2007.
  • I wonder if your skin is just not used to any friction because you wear the spanx everyday so it got really irritated without them.
  • Quote: I wonder if your skin is just not used to any friction because you wear the spanx everyday so it got really irritated without them.
    That's pretty much why I started wearing them, in the first place. When I was pregnant my skin got really irritated by friction. Will I ever be able to not wear them?
  • Maybe it's the pants or a particular motion you were making.

    I have a slight bit of underarm flab, despite hours of lifting weekly. It's mostly loose skin, based on its behavior & how it hangs. On Friday, I went running in a t-shirt with weird part-cap sleeves. They seem to have curled under at the hem, and chafed red sores on my underarms from my pumping my arms as I ran. (Wish I'd known, as Body Glide would have really helped this.) I know this won't happen constantly, but it's upsetting. I wonder if, for you, it's something like that.
  • Quote: That's pretty much why I started wearing them, in the first place. When I was pregnant my skin got really irritated by friction. Will I ever be able to not wear them?
    if that is what it is I don't think it will get any better if you don't let it adapt.