
  • Hi, I'm Elizabeth. I'm a 35 yo mother of two and stepmom of three more...yes 5 kids. I work full time and I go to school full time, and I'll sleep when I'm dead.

    I started weight watchers points plus about two and a half weeks ago, so far I've lost three lbs but I think that isn't quite the whole story. I work out pretty hard including weights so I think I may have lost more fat and added some muscle as I have lost a couple inches and my clothes are fitting much better.

    I was just looking for a place to have a little support. I am doing weight watchers online and I have found the official message boards aren't very active or friendly. So I just figured I would drop in and say hi

    I started this journey at 220 and am at 217 today... I would like to lose at least 60 lbs. Of course I don't expect this to happen overnight.

    Anyhoo...that's my story and I'm sticking to it
  • Hi and welcome!! I am new around here too, but I have been doing WW for years, this time it stuck and I am now at goal.

    I agree about the WW boards.
  • Hi, welcome!

    Wow, so much on your plate - it's phenomenal that you are making time for getting healthier.

    I love strength training and there's such a great feeling when you move on to heavier weights, more challenging variations. Those things are great to focus on during those weeks when the scale feels a little slow or frustrating.
  • Wecome! This site is great! Also there's a current thread about the "other" site and how unfriendly it is, you may want to check it out. I find it to be very rude, but here, i can't get enough of this site
  • Welcome, please feel free to join in the chat, set some goals, and post your menus. =o)
  • Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!!! I feel like I'm doing pretty well with the plan. I am logging everything when I put it in my mouth. I'm not really sure how to log my exercise though. I mean to me it may be an intense workout where someone else may consider it moderate. I always err on the side of less is better but I work out hard and If I need to eat more points then I would like to know it.
    Three days a week I do 20 mins on the elliptical machine at level 6-7 I make sure I keep my heart rate somewhere between 150-160 sometimes it gets a little higher. Then I do the circuit on the weight machines upper body and lower body, squats, lunges, sit ups and reverse crunches.... I usually do 15 reps of each and do the circuit at least three times. (Usually takes me between 40-50 min for the whole workout) On Tuesdays and thursdays we have a personal trainer at work who has a bootcamp workout which usually consists of 50 min workout with a warm up (jumping jacks stretches) then agility sprints, karaokes, lunges, high knees, skipping, then we have a 5 minute run. Then the real workout starts. We usually do interval work. This consists of 30 seconds of crunches followed by a sprint down and back, squats for 30 seconds with a sprint down and back, lunges for 30, sprint down and back, squat presses, jumprope, planks, pushups then we have a abdominal work out usually crunches or situps, reverse sit ups, oblique sit ups and throw downs...then we all want to die. I just don't want to overwork out for the amount of food I'm consuming.

    Right now I'm building alot of muscle, I can tell because I'm dropping inches really quickly but not really loosing lbs. I'm ok with that because I know it will eventually turn around and be the other way.

    Is anyone else working out? I won't ever give up my workouts because they keep me sane. (by the way we have a gym at work and a personal trainer and my company will pay you to use one hour of your work day to go work no excuses not to go)

  • Wow- I'm working out but not as much as you- you're going to do amazing! Can I have some of your energy?
  • great workouts! I do 60 min on the elliptical 5-6 days a week and set it for interval training so it is 2 high impact 2 moderate. I need to get into the weights more but just not breaking my cycle LOL

    I would say good work but i think you are something I should strive for