5 calorie mocha frappe & walden farm syrups

  • So I was at Kroger the other night picking up some Artic Zero Ice cream to try (love the coffee flavor!) and I found a section devoted to walden farms. They have a ton of zero calorie / sugar free things, and reviews for the stuff is all over the place so I took a chance and purchased two things hoping to make use of them:

    walden farms sugar free chocolate syrup


    walden farms sugar free caramel syrup

    I tried them right off the bat when I got home by dipping my finger inside. Don't do this !! They really don't taste that good alone so I was bummed at first. But I tried making my coffee with them anyway and was surprised; when mixed into things these taste great ! I've ended up creating a 5 calorie caramel chocolate mocha that I LOVE with these, LOL ! They are both good on I've creams (a little goes a long way), and the chocolate is great in milk. The caramel is really good drizzled over whipped cream.

    I was makin frappes that had about 140 calories in them and. ow I'm making these I still add ice cream to it when I have a lot of calories but otherwise these are delish and great for summer ! here my recipe;

    4 & 2 cups ice
    1 & 1/2 tablespoon your prefered coffee. for this I've been using 2 types; Starbucks vanilla & gevalia dark chocolate
    10oz water
    pinch of salt
    pinch of cinnamon
    1 tablespoon Torani sugar free vanilla syrup
    2 tablespoons walden farms chocolate syrup
    1 & 1/2 tablespoon walden farms caramel syrup
    4 tablespoon (2 servings) fat free redi whip whippedcream

    Brew coffee over 2 cups of ice.

    Put all ingredients in blender and pulse until smooth. Top with extra whip cream, if desired.

    The only calories in this is from the whip cream
    makes 2.
  • Oh, and if you've ever tried the sugar free Hershey's, THIS IS LOADS BETTER ! I made the store take that crap back.
  • I think Walden Farms is pretty gross and tastes chemically. I prefer to just go ahead and eat something with more calories. I know many people use their products but not me.
  • I'm with ya - I use a lot of their products, and they do taste (to me) rather good when mixed with something..though I will sometimes eat the chocolate dip out of the jar
  • I really like the Torani sugar free syrups. I use them in my coffee and they are awesome!
  • Where do you buy the Walden Farms stuff (which aisle)? I wouldn't know where to look in the grocery store. Thanks!
  • I find the walden farms stuff anywhere from the vitamin aisle, the meal replacement bars/diet stuff (zone & balance bars, slim fast) or the natural/health food stuff...