Caught between two mindsets

  • A while back I posted about wanting to gain a few pounds so I'll weigh at least 140. For the past few weeks I've been vacillating between this objective and the seductive thrill of weighing as little as possible (which I know is not healthy). As a result I've eating a lot on some days and much less on others. Has anyone else experienced this dual tug?

  • Yes---I think that it's part and parcel of the extremist mindset that many of us seem to have. I know that you're all about moderation, and so am I, but it's not a natural fit for me. My natural bent is to be all or nothing. So, sometimes, it feels better for me to be very strict with my diet when I've overeaten rather than going the more moderate route (although, then again, my idea of "very strict" is probably someone else's idea of "moderate").
  • I can totally relate to this. I think part of it is my fear of regaining that drives me to continue losing. It's kinda a scary place to be to be honest :/
  • Same here. Some days I'm happy at my current weight. I feel and look good but other days I also want to be in the skinny range.
  • I don't want to be skinny but I do want to be a little below goal. Right now I am half a pound over goal, I find this to be very annoying.