weight of meats before and after cooking

  • Does anyone know if there is a before/after cooking equivalent to use when measuring meat (or chicken or fish)? My husband often cooks dinner before I get home and then I take what I want from what he cooked. He NEVER remembers to weigh it before cooking! Is there any easy way to figure out how many lbs after cooking it might have weighed before cooking?
  • 8 oz raw = 5 oz cooked.
  • thank you, thank you! That takes all the guessing away!
  • are we suppose to weight it raw or cooked
  • They prefer you to weigh raw but I find it so tedious. For instance I'll eyeball cutting a chicken breast to 8 oz, but there is still too much, so then I will cut off about another 1 oz and dang I still have too much, so I'll cut off a little bit more or sometimes I cut too much off. And then I have all these little pieces left. grrrr.

    I just weigh my meat cooked now.
  • I do the same, and end up with chunks LOL, so what I have been doing is saving and freezing the 'chunks' for shishkabob. I prefer to package mine raw, then freeze in baggies so my portions are all decided and measured. Not all meats will follow the 8oz=5oz rule. It wont be off by much but I have been weighing raw and cooked and have seen some variance fwiw...
  • I quizzed my coach again on this subject after most posters say measure raw and my coach is saying measure cooked. She again said measure cooked so I am measuring cooked but having 1 ounce less since there is a conflict. Should I ask her to recheck with IP directly on this or does anyone have a cite I can show her?
  • Quote: I quizzed my coach again on this subject after most posters say measure raw and my coach is saying measure cooked. She again said measure cooked so I am measuring cooked but having 1 ounce less since there is a conflict. Should I ask her to recheck with IP directly on this or does anyone have a cite I can show her?
    Sorry I dont, but I too am going based on my coaches advice. I guess to me though, some common sense has to prevail...

    Ground beef for example, lean or not will render the fat off and will be quite different in cooked vs raw weight. Any meat, seafood or fish will also change weight depending on cooking style and done-ness (dont think thats a word).

    A steak cooked med-rare will be heavier cooked than one cooked to well done. I think we can all agree on one thing though, we should follow our coaches guidance, but in this case personally I dont agree.
  • I have been following my coaches advise on measuring cooked whenmynhubby was on. Since I can never eat a full 8 oz portion of beef (cooked) anyway, I just go off the raw serving. I buy a lot of packed fishes, most come in individual portions in the freezer section and I get 8 oz out for me and him. I know Omaha Steaks meet come in portions like this as well and I have been going off that. Since it worked this far, I have been measuring my raw out 8 oz when I don't buy individual portions. My coach says I can have more, but I tend to just eat veggies first, or most of them anyway, then my meat. Then I am never hungry enough to finish it all. Hubby and kids vacuum it up for me then...
  • Can you get the NI of it cooked? We weigh our chicken and fish after its cooked, especially since there are different ways to cook it. So I have the NI for grilled chicken and baked or girlled fish. But our Turkey Burgers we measure pre-cook so they are all the same oz. I never weighed it after, so I use the NI for ground turkey meat.

    That's about all the meat we eat, so I don't worry about the fatty meats like ground beef etc.

  • Quote: I quizzed my coach again on this subject after most posters say measure raw and my coach is saying measure cooked. She again said measure cooked so I am measuring cooked but having 1 ounce less since there is a conflict. Should I ask her to recheck with IP directly on this or does anyone have a cite I can show her?
    My coach says weigh everything after cooking . wi tomorrow will ask 1 more time
  • my coach says weigh the veggies raw and the meet cooked...
  • My clinic specified that we measure veggies raw and meat cooked. I've been doing this all along. Other clinics are different.
  • Weighing Veggies
    Weighing veggies after and meat before makes the most sense to me after reading all the comments.
  • I would never get in the veggies if I had to eat 4 cups cooked!

    I measure the meat raw also.