New intro!

  • I gained 50 lb during pregnancy and have yet to lose any of it... and it definitely wasn't all baby weight, as my little one was only 6lb when she came out!

    Hi, I have a 6 month old (tomorrow!) daughter who I am still breastfeeding. She eats a few oz of solids a day but she is still mostly breastfed and hopefully will be for another 6 months at least, or more. She is sensitive to dairy and I have too many issues with soy to want to give her any of that hormone packed stuff in formula, and the alternative formulas are too expensive, so we will continue to breastfeed as long as she needs it. Thus I think this weight loss journey isn't going to be as easy as it was before... I can't do extremely strenuous exercise or a 1200 calorie diet or my milk supply will drop. Maybe that's all for the better as that was hard to maintain before as well. It's going to be slower going, which is going to be more difficult for me to handle. I'm kind of an all or nothing. I also don't have the gym access that I used to have which is going to make things a little tougher for me. Getting gym buddies was very motivating. We live out in the country and just can't afford the extra expense of driving into town for the gym right now. I am also a stay at home mom now, whereas last time I lost a good amount of weight I was a college student and ALWAYS going... barely at home between working and classes.

    My husband is not very supportive of my weight loss. I don't know how to convince him. He is not overweight himself, he's rather thin. But he says he likes me 'cuddly'. I don't really know how to talk to him about it. He knows that I lost weight before but I am so seriously close to my previous high weight after having this baby and it is so depressing. I was down to 170 when I met him, and gained about 30 lb during our marriage before getting pregnant, then 50 with the pregnancy.

    I really need to lose this weight for my daughter... it needs to be serious this time because it's not just for me. In 6 months this kid is going to be running around and getting into everything. I want her to grow up with a mom who can keep up with her.

    Anyway, my plan is to exercise daily with at least one of my workout videos. Maybe I could even do two. I have some Zumba DVDs as well as some other workout videos. I used to love doing Zumba at the gym, and I know this won't be the same but maybe I can stick with it. I also want to go on one walk a day at least down to the lake and back, which takes about 25 minutes. After a couple weeks of getting my muscles going again with walking I would like to start jogging. I have a jogging stroller I can take my baby out in... maybe do C25K, which I have done before and had good results with.

    As far as eating goes, maybe I can do calorie counting again but I'm not sure which range I should be at for breastfeeding yet. I need to stop eating sweets. My husband keeps bringing home on-sale Easter candy and I'm not doing well with it, so I'm going to talk to him tonight and tell him if he wants to keep buying candy he either has to keep it in his van or in his office, not in the kitchen where I can so easily munch on it. I hope we can go grocery shopping again in the next couple of days so that I can stock this house with lots of veggies.

    Today I took some BEFORE pictures. They are terrifying. I should print them off and use them as motivation. I took a couple face shots... okay, not so bad... but the whole body frontal and side profile are absolutely awful. I am going to take the same photos in a month again and maybe then post the before and progress photos on here. I am going to take a monthly photo with my daughter too and stick it on the refrigerator so I can keep that in mind when I feel like binging.
  • It's very important for moms to be healthy for their kids. I think you're doing the right thing! I don't have much to say other than that. And that zumba is a lot of fun.

    In terms of bingeing - I'm a binger, too. But it helps me to write down EVERYTHING I eat, no matter what. Even if I did binge, it keeps me accountable.

    (I'm pregnant now and I must admit I exercise sometimes by just dancing in my room. I feel like an idiot, but it does get my heartrate up. Maybe do that sometimes?)

    Anyway, good luck!
  • I am going to start being accountable with a food diary. Tomorrow. I don't have the energy to think about this morning's binge, and want the first page to encourage me with a clean slate. I took my husbands candy that he left on the table and put it in his office.

    I had all these great plans of exercising again after my 6week postpartum appointment, but then I ended up with an emergency c-section and everything I tried to do for the first 5 months after ward pulled on my incision and hurt, so I waited another month... the past week I've done some exercise and it felt good and didn't hurt the wound. Glad to get back in the game. I did some crunches this morning with my baby on my chest and she loved it. Then I sat her on the floor next to me and did some pushups and she thought that was awesome too.
  • You and me, MamaBee! We can do it!

    I also gained 50 pounds, roundabouts, while pregnant, and mine just made 7 months. Time to tame the tummy!!
  • Hi and welcome!

    I think you only need an extra 250 cals or so per day while breastfeeding, maybe less. Since your baby is 6 months old, your supply is well established... and your baby will be starting solids soon. I don't think you need to worry too much about losing your supply, especially if you havne't had trouble with it so far.

    Also, while some women lose weight like crazy while breastfeeding, it has the oppositie effect in some of us (me included). My body holds onto weight while bf - yours might be the same. If so, I wouldn't add any calories for breastfeeding.. I'd just start with a nice standard number (1800), try it for 2 weeks without going off plan, weigh in and reassess. If you've made little or no progress, drop it 100 for 2 more weeks and repeat (obviously assessing your milk supply enroute too!).

    I lived in the country for my 1st and 2nd babies too - I was a nighttime walker. Once they were asleep/in bed, I left DH with them and went out with my earphones on for a walk/jog. It felt great to get out of the house and get away.. I still miss that fresh country air. I went in all weather - I loved to walk in the rain and snow.

    You can do this - you don't need to be part of any special program or at any gym (I'm at neither). You can do lunges, sit ups, pushups and walk/jog. And count your calories (livestrong is good). that's all you need!

  • You can do it
  • I would explain to DH that cuddly is well and good, but this is about your health.
    Doesn't he want the mother of his child to be in the best possible shape for the job?

    I have a 5 month old who is like yours- breastfed with some solids. I fought to get my supply established as well, and didn't want to go messing with it even though I had about 15lbs still hanging around. However, I recently started the C25K again for running and am starting to slowly lose it, at no detriment to supply. I also started Intermittent Fasting again, which I had success with before I got pregnant. I'm at maybe a 300 calorie difference, but my eating schedule isn't around the clock like it was before. I'm happy to finally start feeling like the old me! Just new and improved

    I hear ya on being ready for when they start walking. I also want to be one of those parents that's always active and sets that example.