today i finally felt in control of my eating

  • for the first time in my life today, i finally felt like i was totally in control of my binge eating. not that it was easy. today was in fact, a terrible day. i got laid off from work, and my boss didnt even tell me, i had to find out from my replacement that was training that morning, (apparently my employer isnt willing to wait the 2 weeks until my semester is over and i can start working full time again...) so i got depressed. i sat at work and stared down a box of cookies for about 4 hours.

    when i finally got off work, on my way home the car in front of me hit a cat and i could not stop the car before i hit the poor thing too, thank god i at least put it out of its misery. so i got a lot more depressed.

    when i got home i was at my breaking point. i needed the comfort of food. i couldnt take my mind off of it. but i had still managed to keep under my 1800 calories for the day, and i didnt want to ruin that.

    instead of binging, and going to bed feeling guilty i chugged a 5 hour energy, and went out for a walk (this was at 11pm btw, so you see how much motivation it took) i walked 3 miles, and jogged close to a mile. i was gone until almost 1am, thats a lot for my tubby butt! haha!

    and now i am going to bed completely relieved of my stress, and with a smile on my face. the excercise did more for me then food ever could. i cant believe i never saw this before.

    every day i feel just a little bit better about myself. even when the world is crumbling around me, the crisp night air, and the screaming coming from my muscles reminds me that i am achieving something wonderful.
  • Quote: every day i feel just a little bit better about myself. even when the world is crumbling around me, the crisp night air, and the screaming coming from my muscles reminds me that i am achieving something wonderful.
    First off, let me just give you a HUGE hug!!!!

    I'm sorry to hear you are getting laid off. that is just terrible!

    I'm so proud that you are still looking after yourself!!! Keep yourself no 1 when your world is falling apart around you. We, 3FC, are always here for you!!!
  • Well done. That's some pretty amazing will power! You deserve something good to come your way - hopefully that will include a good weight loss this week!
  • I'm sorry you had such an awful day, but I have to tell you, I admire your strength and self control. If I were you, I'd award myself something for being so strong, nothing food related, maybe a book, or something you've always wanted.
    Exercising works for me as well when I'm feeling a bit depressed, I know there's a scientific explanation for it; physical effort releases endorphins, which makes us feel happier and this counters the effects of stress.
  • I know exactly how you feel because I'm doing circuit training now I need to eat enough good food to have energy, before not doing anything I didnt eat for fuel because I didnt need good fuel, I get thoughts about certain foods or having a binge but I can get over them as hard as it is I have roughly two incidents a month now where I eat compulsively or to make myself feel better but I don't give up now

    Its kind of scary though, the existance I have now without binge eating is a little bleak because Im still seen as a fat person but I know if I go long enough my body will find its own good place so will my mind and these cravings will not happen as often.