what to do if your under your count?

  • What do you do when you are under your calorie intake for the day? I limit mine to 1500. Right now I have only had about 975. I am eating about every 3 to 4 hrs. I just ate a nice size salad and a few rice cakes..and I am full. I know in 2 or 3 hrs I will get a snack, but not a 534 calorie snack. (that's what is left of my calorie allowance for the day) Do you make yourself eat those calories? I am not walking today, taking a nice break.
    Should I go over on some days to make up for it?
  • I use a calorie range rather than a specific calorie target. I also use an exchange plan to count/control the calories, so for each "exchange" type (protein, fat, veggie, fruit, dairy, starch) I have a minimum and maximum for the day.

    When I used "straight" calorie counting, I did something similar. Choosing a "minimum" and a "maximum" calorie alottment.

    That being said, I do make exception for sick days and (more rarely) extremely low hunger days. However, it's pretty unusual for me to have so little hunger that I can't hit my minimum target.
  • I have a range too. I will have lower and higher days, sometimes by choice and sometimes due to hunger or a lack of it, but I aim for the week to be a particular average.

    eta: I don't force myself to eat if I'm under range, unless I have been for several days in a row, because doing that too long is likely to eventually cause me to go way overboard out of feelings of deprivation.
  • Apparently a minimum of 1200 per day is a good target. Whatever are you eating in order to just consume that little?
  • If it's not an everyday thing I would just leave it after your last snack. Take note you ate a little less today and yes, then one day if you are more hungry than usual you can treat yourself to something more then.

    I know alot will say no way, you are under 1200, 1000.. you are going to send your body into metabolic slow down, starvation, etc but really as long as you eat reasonably healthy it's probably ok to go a little less some days. It's that obsessive thinking of eating too little on some days that made me quit for awhile.
  • some days (like today... and yesterday...) i go over my count. tomorrow i'm working at the bookshop so i'll probably eat next to nothing.

    it all balances out.
  • Nope, its fine. As long as you don't eat the consistently for weeks on end, its not a problem. Some days we are not hungry, other days we just can't get enough.
  • Well, I ended up getting hungry so I helped myself to something to eat, still stayed within my budget, but at least it's over 1200 now. lol

    Thanks again
  • I usually fill mine up with popsicles and spoonfuls of peanut butter.
  • I save them for another day.