Hello Everybody!!

  • I'm really excited!! I stumbled on this site last night, and was relieved to see such a site exists, as I'm very close to starting a calorie controlled diet with regular exercise.

    I've tried this diet once before about 3 years ago, just to keep the girls at work quiet because they were all doing it just before xmas. So, I gave it a go and actually lost 7lbs in 4 weeks which I was quite impressed with.

    Anyway, about 2 weeks ago, I had to go to the doc to sort out an ear infection, and while I was there she popped me on the scales... Needless to say I was HORRIFIED!!

    I've never been a skinny minnie. As a kid/teen I would play rugby and do a lot of swimming and horse riding. I was always fairly well built. Then, as I hit my 20's and after a serious relationship breakdown, the weight seemed to pile on without me really giving two hoots.

    Anyway, long story short. My partner and I have been trying to get pregnant now for about 2 years, and I have a few issues which is stopping us at the moment. My hope is that if I shift some of this weight that has been with me all these years it might happen let alone change other parts of my life.

    So, here goes. Thursday 19th April 2012 is the day it all begins. Only because I'm unemployed and shopping can't be done until I get my money.

    Strange how I'm excited about this... other people hate the idea of going on a diet. I suppose I'm excited because I know what the real goal is at the end of this long road... Hopefully the pitta patta of little feet...

  • Hello and welcome Lozz!

    Good luck for the 19th, well done for making the decision to make a change, what is the diet?

    Even before then you can make small changes, and hopefully see small differences. Add in more exercise wherever you can. Walk places, go up and down the stairs more, small things, and maybe look at cutting down on snacking/portions/change what you drink or whatever your weak area is from NOW. It'll all help come your big start date.

    Good luck, and keep posting, this site is great!
  • Thank you!!

    it's just a calorie controlled diet, 3 healthy meals a day and at least 30 mins of good exercise a day. I've got one or too light aerobic shows recorded on my sky box and have already started doing those as well as running around after my partner and the dog walking too. So should be... well not easy but... less scary than some people make it out to be.

    The diet itself shouldn't be too bad, but like a lot of other people, chocolate is my enemy!! Once I'm settled in the swing of this though I will NOT deny myself little pleasures.

    Man!! I'm gettin excited!!

    But the thing is... like I said, I've never EVER been a skinny minnie... I dont want to be either. I love curves on a woman and so does my man lol.

    Here's to next week... WOO!!!!
  • Ahhhhh loving your excitement!

    My one piece of advice, if you love chocolate, still eat it. If you ban it, you'll only crave it more and sooner or later end up craving. But if you change your meals to healthy and balanced and add the exercise on top of that, and then throw in chocolate treats, you will still lose weight, and not drive yourself mad in the process
  • Welcome Lozz! Love your optimism it's contagious! Good luck to you, keep us posted on your progress!
  • Welcome, Lozz - loving your enthusiasm too - it's key to success so keep it up!

    Try using myfitnesspal.com - it's free and great for tracking calories and exercise. As TC said, start with those changes now - a bit of exercise every day, even if just a walk, really builds up fast. When I started I could barely do half a mile without puffing like a steam train - now I regularly march 10+miles without thinking about it.

    Come and join our challenge thread too
  • Lozz, I've stuck you on the challenge spreadsheet, so please do get involved if you'd like to
  • Awesome!! Thanks everyone!! Really looking forward to getting started.

    Another reason why I'm doing this is because for the last 2 months I haven't really slept properly at all. I'm not sure if it's weight related, stressed or just being unable to switch off.

    Any thoughts?

  • Could be any number of things. Stress is definitely a possibility. Have you been to see your doctor?
  • Yeah, but they just put it down to stress and lack of activity.

    So, yeah another reason why I'm making the change. It's not that I don't sleep... I go to bed between 10pm & 11pm .... but don't sleep until 2am, sometimes 4am!! And then I dont get up until mid-day!!

    I need to kick that habit soooo badly!!

    hoping with the exercise I'm doing even before i start my diet will start paying off in that respect
