Nobody notices a "featherweight's" weight loss...

  • Ok... yeah... boo hoo... poor me.

    January 1, I weighed in at 117 lbs. Not hefty, but definitely more weight than I need on my small 5'0" frame. (The doctor told me that my max weight should be 120 lbs.)

    April 1, I weighed in at 106 lbs. That's 11 pounds gone! I know it doesn't sound like much to some people, but it was 10% of my bodyweight.

    Not a single person has noticed. Not one. And I know I must look a little different, because I have pants that are falling off of me.

    Even my husband just says, "You always look good to me."

    Ok. Getting off my self-pity train...
  • frustrating cause you want to celebrate your hard work!! brag it girl!!
  • I guarantee you someone noticed! They probably just didn't say anything. I think when you're at a healthy weight already I think people just aren't sure if you want to lose weight or if you're sick or something.

    I started my new job back in september. I started at around 140 pounds and now I'm 115. Only last week someone said something to me and she asked if I had been trying to lose weight before making a comment about it. Nobody here saw me at my starting weight so they weren't sure if I wanted to lose weight or not.
  • I agree with sontaikle. People are often afraid to say something. I recently had a neighbor hesitantly remark, "You've lost a lot of weight, haven't you?" Then when I happily told her, yep, I finally decided to get into good shape, she added nervously, "Not that you were fat before!"

    I didn't get my first comment until I had lost about 25 pounds. And I didn't get many until I'd lost almost all the weight (it was about when I hit a size 4, from my starting size of 16)!
  • Are you dressing differently? Right now all my clothes are too baggy and the new ones I ordered haven't show up yet so most of my recent loss is masked by that. Even DH who knows what I look like sans clothes is shocked if I put on leggies and a workout shirt because they actually show off my new body whereas most of my current clothes hide it because they don't fit correctly.

    I also agree, though, that most people won't say anything unless they know that you're consciously trying to lose weight. I'm one of those people and unless I knew a friend of mine wanted to lose weight, I wouldn't mention it.
  • I work in health care, people said things like "Are you okay?... I mean health wise?... You've lost a lot of weight... is that intentional?..." But they didn't say that until the last 20 lbs or so. Go figure.
  • I feel you, I've lost 15lbs and no one noticed or commented. My boyfriend is getting irritated because I've started asking him if he can see a difference and he keeps telling me I look great now and I looked great before.
    I'm sure it is noticeable being as you're so small.
  • Oh I know how that is! I had people notice only once, but that was because I had lost 20lbs and I wore tight clothes to a party. That evening everybody was all over me like "wow you look good". But other than that I've refused to buy new clothes. Mostly out of budget control but also because I just want to buy stuff I really want once I have the body I really want.

    It sucks because people don't mention it and I feel fatter in my not so perfectly fitting clothes, but once I'm -there- it is gonna be awesome. I am gonna buy my favorite clothes and see myself and be happy. And obviously I'll hope others see me too. Which they will, because once you radiate that happiness people are gonna notice!
  • Oh, I think people notice, they just aren't saying anything. Sometimes they are just unsure as to what to say so they don't say anything.
    How about your clothes ? Are your clothes a little loose ? Have you bought clothes to fit your new, slimmer body ? I guarantee that well fitting clothes make all the difference in how you look and appear to others.
  • Yeah, I am still wearing baggy clothes designed to hide my figure. I am hoping not to actually have to buy a ton of new clothes... just fit back into my "skinny" ones from years ago! lol
  • I'm sure some people have noticed, but been afraid of saying something if they're wrong. I'm a good deal heavier than you, and yesterday, after hitting 10lbs down, and my pants going from too tight to too loose over 3 weeks, dh looked at me and asked, "have you lost weight recently?"

    If 10lbs are noticeable on me, I'm sure it is for you.