
  • Oprah's April issue is on balance. I have been reading non stop. Balance isn't something I am very good at. Mentally, physically or Emotionally. The following is from page 127...

    "Balance and Age
    Our ability to balance declines with age, according to Stephan Cherniske. But as he explains in his new book, The Metabolic Plan, Stay Younger Longer (Balentine), you can help this from happening.
    Are you losing it? Stand without shoes, feet together, eyes closed, and raise one foot about 6 inches. Time how many seconds you can stand without opening your eyes or moving the supporting foot. Do this three times and take the average.
    Score:Most 20-year-ols can stand for 30 seconds. With each decade, the time drops by about 6 seconds.
    To improve:Practice balance with yoga poses like the tree, or use a balence board for 10 minutes a day."

    Well, I thought it was gonna be easy! It isn't! Try it. I definately do better on my right side standing than my left but not much!
  • Who knew? I couldn't believe how wobbley my feet were.
    Thanks for posting this. My right side was stronger too.
  • I've tried this before... most of your balancing abilities depend on your ability to see your surroundings and adjust accordingly. I was surprised too!