Fabulous 40's and then some.......#138

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  • Happy Friday!

    take care of your "patients"...hope they're feeling better soon...and that you don't get it.

    my sympathies for your friend's Dad. It's important that you'll be there for her.

    maintaining is a good thing even better will be celebrating your anniversary this weekend enjoy!!!!!

    challenge? what challenge? don't put that pressure on yourself in addition to the stress of family problems. I know you're strong from exercising, girl, but everyone has their limit!!! hang in there

    Brandon is going to spend a couple of days here next week, as he's off for spring break.

    HI Terri, Ruth, Sandy, Janie!

  • Hi all!

    Hope the retreat went well. I am glad you are getting help. It always feels better to know you aren't the only one. I know that is probably how you feel sometimes. We are here for you if you need to talk.
    Yes, Natalie got into some trouble. I don't think you can mess around with the Country Fans. Our country station here had a "chickless" weekend.

    Congrats on your loss. that is wonderful. Hope your muscles feel better now.
    I am so sorry to hear that about your daughter. That is true. Food can be as addicting as alcohol. Give her a hug from us.
    Hope your hubby feels better.
    Yes, Kick their A**.

    Hope it gets better with your sistyer. Her kids deserve to be happy all of the time.
    Please keep us posted on your kitty.

    Patti'O fits well. Beautiful HOUSE Zoe. So sorry about your friend's dad. So sad.

    I had planned to mow on Tues. and it kind of felt good to wake up to rain but alas I had to do it yesterday.
    Great job with the treadmill girl. "weigh" to go.
    Good luck with the exam. I remember having to be full of water for my ultrasounds. Yuck.
    Your daughter is so CUTE. Thanks for sharing.
    My daughter had an ovarian cyst 2 yrs. ago. It turned out to be a
    benign tumor. They had to take her fallopian tube. It can be scary. Good luck.
    Hope your hubby and daughter are doing better.

    Hope Alana is doing better now. Britts had the same thing and missed 2 days. We watched old movies (The Enchanted Cottage, and Battleground). We are in a old black and white mood right now. Tomorrow we are watching "Operation Petticoat- not black and white but older.
    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!! Too funny about "same". Hope you had a great time.

    Is that the same place Oprah goes? Sounds like you did great.
    I watch Days of Our Lives. I got it down to one.
    Bruce is leaving for Co. Springs next week for 6 weeks and they have about 2 ft. there. It is about 60 min. from Denver.
    I am crying here listening to military men and women saying hi to their loved ones. I am so proud of them.

    I agree about the free speech with the Dixie Chicks but the one thing that made me mad was that she said it outside this country. In England. I love the two sisters but I never really liked the personality of Natalie Maines.
    I think it was so she could get the crowd to cheer. The apology had to be scripted and forced cause she had to mean it to say it. They kick off their American tour in May. That ought to be interesting.
    I didn't want war either but I do feel for these men and women and I am so proud of them. I wish they could get Saddam and his sons. Get this over with . Liberate these poor people. I saw Tom Brokaw on some political show and he said that he talked to a protestor when he was over there and the man begged not to be seen and Tom took him inside and the man said that the Iraqi people want the Americans to free them and he said to hurry up and then he went back outside to protest for Saddam. He had to. It was his duty. They are so scared of him. He is a nut.
    Tonight we are going to a SUPPORT YOUR TROOPS rally at our minor league baseball field. We are dressing in Red, White and Blue and taking flags and signs. Kids need to see this. We are also taking Comfort items to add to boxes to send to the troops.

    I hope I didn't miss anything.

    God Bless the U.S.A.
  • Back for a minute, now maybe I can address everyone else this morning. My cousin had IM me, I have a problem doing more than one thing at once!! LOL

    TERRI, thanks. Yes, the muscles started feeling better within a few days. I guess in a way that it was a good pain. My body letting me know that I need to continue exercising, because I am out of shape. Maurice went back to work this morning, but he may come home early. He was still pretty weak. This virus is a tough one!!

    JANIE, how are you? Don't forget that we are thinking of you and you're in our prayers.

    Zoe, you are a dear friend and I know she will appreciate it.

    DONNA, I forgot to say earlier that I'm glad that you now know what the problem was. Keep us updated.

    JEN, have fun with Brandon.

    DIANNE, hope Alana feels better soon. If she has the virus that is going around, I think it takes a while to get back to normal sometimes. Happy Anniversary, how many years?
    Oh, Congrats on the maintain! I'm with you, they are as good as a loss. I mean, think of all the weeks we have had gains before we got OP.

    ES, sorry to hear your cat is sick. My cat went missing a few years ago, I really miss him. I hope your family problems tone down soon. I know how much it hurts not being able to help your sister. I'll keep her and her family in my prayers.

    SANDY, I hope you are okay. We miss you.

    I hope I didn't miss anyone.

    Take care
  • Terri,
    I had to go back to page 3 to find out what you meant about the place where Oprah goes! I guess you meant Marshall Field's...it's the old famous department store that has their main store in downtown Chicago, with the iron clock which is always referred to as "meet me under the clock at Field's" ...They have stores in a few upscale malls also. They were famous for their Frango Mints, which were made here in Chgo. I guess you could call them the Macy's of Chicago.

    The "shock and awe" phase of the Iraq bombing was chilling to watch this morning. We've become so inured to violence in movies and video games, it's hard to believe you're watching something real.

    Joey had to bring his car into the shop today, and, being the nice Mom that I am, I let him take mine today to work....now I'm housebound! I had nowhere to go, so it worked out perfectly; however, it's a weird feeling to know that I can't just get up and go if I wish.

    Joe, my brother and Joey booked a Canadian fishing trip for July; this evening they're going shopping to stock up on new gear. I get an evening alone....I think my tub is calling me!
    Have a great Friday evening

  • Hi everyone,

    Yesterday I went to SF and almost got stuck in the citybdue to all of the protesters. The news said that there were over 1400 arrests.

    I WI yesterday and lost 1.5 lbs.

    I don't have time to address everyone but I hope that everyone's sick facmily gets better and that you all have a great weekend. This is my WOman's retreat weekend in San Juan Batista, CA.

  • Hey Janie - congrats on your loss and hope you have a nice, peaceful, relaxing retreat - you deserve it!

    Jen - enjoy your evening and your tub - sounds good to me. I'm looking forward (NOT) to a 4 1/2 hr. drive to Binghamton!

    Hi everyone else

    Talk to you's on Sunday, hopefully.

  • Jen,
    Yes, she is always talking about Marshall Fields.
    We have a Marshalls but not Marshalls Field.
    I saw the "shock and awe". Unbelievable.

    I am glad that Maurice is feeling better. That virus does sound nasty. My nephew has it.

    Wow about the arresta. I didn't know it was that many. I thought they were supposed to be peaceful.

    Be careful. Hope Alana is feeling better.
  • Janie,
    Weigh to go on your loss!!! Good job Hope the retreat is everything you want, in spite of the lower attendance. Enjoy!

    Yep, I love Field's.....we also have Marshalls, the discount retailer. I normally shop at Target, T J Max, Sears, Penneys, WalMart, but Field's is THE place..... Know what I mean? Not that I shop there that often! but it's always been special to me, going back to when I was a child and I went there with my Mom and Gram.

    hope your long drive is short and you and Willie get to spend lots of time together

    Ok, I'm off for the tub...have my glass of wine and a book....ahhh....heaven.....

  • Oh my goodness!!! We used to have Fields around here but there are not any more around. In the old Fields store is an Old Navy! Oh, that's just too funny!!!!

    Jim and Elena were very sick today. I did take Elena to the doctor but it wasn't bacterial. Her temp was as high as 102.8!!! It was scarry to me because she never has fever. Both hers and Jim's fever has improved as of tonight but still Jim is not feeling well and Elena is still weak. It's something to see Elena staying in bed ALL DAY! You have to know my kid to know that's not like her!

    Jen, you made me think of bubble baths and wine so guess what I did tonight! Had a nice bath with a wonderful glass of white zinfindel! LOL

    Dianne, hope your weekend of anniversary bliss is wonderful! I read though that these cysts are always benign. I guess I'll find out a lot on Thursday.

    Es, yes this is a horrible virus but that Asian thing has me a little concerned too. It's killing people instantly!

    Janie, hope your retreat is refreshing for you. Mine was the other weekend! Congratulations on your weight loss!

    Ruth, have a good weekend and I hope your studying goes well too. I'm glad also that your hubby is feeling better.

    Terri, I keep hearing so many things about how they will remove this cyst. I'll just be glad when Thursday comes and I talk to the doctor. I just assume they just remove everything, it isn't doing me any good anyway! LOL LOL

    Sandy... Where are you???? I was looking back and I don't see a post from you on this thread at all. I hope all is well. I have a friend on another thread that is dying of leukemia. It's so sad. Please hold my friend Kimbrely in your prayers.

    Zoe, you are such a good friend!!!! I know your friend appreciates you so much for being there for her.

    I need to go. I'm sure I've forgotten something. I usually do!

    Have a good weekend, ladies....
  • Morning,

    I thought I'd say a quick hello before I run out the door to do some errands.

    JANIE, congrats on the weight loss. Have fun at the retreat!

    DONNA, I know you will be glad to talk to the doc. Your friend is in my prayers.

    Well, I'm off to do my errands. Might as well stop at the grocery store again, poor hubby can't eat a thing without it going straight through him. They say this thing can hang around for weeks. He does have a little bit more energy, he's off to work again today.

    Talk to you later,
  • Hi

    Just came back from checking out a gym close to my house that just opened up. It's called Curves for Women. I have an appt. Tuesday at 6:PM to get a free workout. It's the hot workout these days cause you're done in 30 minutes. They combine cardio with strength training. I don't know how to tell my brother. I hope he won't be offended. It's just that his gym is a little too far for me & I don't want to interfere with his clients.

    Donna, poor babies. I hope they feel much better real soon. That Asian thing is pretty scary huh! So many things going on this this world. Bubble bath & wine, hmmmm not a bad idea!

    Ruth, gotta work those muscles. This may sound weird but when I feel sore after working out I feel good cause I know it was an intense workout that made me sore. I hope Maurice feels better.

    Jen, I never heard of Fields. I love Target & Walmart. Clothes I buy in Penneys & Sears sometimes Macy's when they have a sale.

    Dianne, so sorry I didn't get to wish you a safe & fun trip.

    Janie, WTG with losing!!!!!!!!!! Hope you enjoy the retreat. Sorry I missed you. You guys are hard to keep up with.

    Terri, Fluffy seems to be feeling better. I'm keeping a close watch on her. As soon as she shows signs of not feeling well, off we go to the vet. Hi Brittany

    I don't have any plans for the weekend. I'll just stay home I guess It's beautiful outside but I'm feeling kind of lazy today.

    Be back later.

  • Es,
    it must be contagious I'm feeling lazy today also. Joe worked a 1/2 day, and we've just been vegging since he returned home. He rented some movies for tonight, so it's apparent we won't be venturing out.

    Donna and Ruth,
    I'm sorry to hear that your guys, and Elena, are still under the weather. There are so many illnesses going around now; the media is certainly having a field day with it. Hope things improve for them all!

    hi to everyone else...have a good weekend!
  • Good morning buddies:

    Well, we're back home and to say the trip wasn't quite what we expected would be the understatement of the year!

    It was the road trip from **** We started out at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, so we would miss the rush hour traffic and figured we'd be at Binghamton by 11:30 p.m./midnight the lastest.

    Well, 1st of all at soon as we hit upstate, we had torrential rain - unbelievable, lighting, thunder, the works. I don't know how willie drove in that mess. Then, the rain stopped and we had fog and you know there are no lights on the highway going into the mountains anyway, so it was pretty dark and hard to see. So hard as a matter of fact that we hit what we though was a patch of black ice but turned out to be a deer!! It was already dead and we went over it again (OMG - I hate even remembering it).

    Then after all that, we ran out of gas!!! Willie was so busy trying to drive through all that mess, that he didn't notice the gas was low! So here we are, on a country road in the dark with no gas - it was like something out of a horror movie. Luckily a woman driving by stopped (brave woman, I would not have stopped for a man flagging me down on a dark country road - but.....hey.......I'm from NY, we have very suspicious minds ) Anyway, it turned out that we were like 2 mins from a huge gas station and she went in front of us to lead us to it - apparently we had enough gas to make it there. It was almost funny when you think about it - we were so afraid to go further because we were at least by a couple of houses and here, all this time we were soooooooo close to the gas station Well, we can laugh about it now, but I was sooooooooo mad that he ran out of gas. I was in the back seat (Alana always sits in the front) so I didn't notice the gas problem.

    Anyway, we finally got Alana to school and us to the hotel at about 2:30 a.m. and by then all I wanted was a shower and to hit the sack. - forget anniversary celebration, etc. I just wanted to sleep and so did he.

    So that was Dianne & Willie & Alana's excellent adventure - NOT Well, thank God we're all safe and sound and back where we're supposed to be.

    I hope you all had less exciting weekends that this one, lol. I'll talk to you's later.

  • Dianne,
    What a trip! I would have been scared and pi**ed...thank God for that good samaritan...your story was one of those where, just when the reader thinks it can't get any worse, it does!
    You get the Oscar for best screenplay glad you're home safe and sound!

  • Mi Amiga, pobrecita What a nightmare. This sounds like the Chevy Chase movie when they go on vacation I'm glad you're home.

    Jen, what movies did you watch? I rented Swimfan. It was very good.

    Till tomorrow my friends. I hope the rest of the gang had a nice weekend.
