I have this ________(insert gym equipment) but.....

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  • I have a recumbent exercise bike that I ride 6x a week. I also have a yoga mat that I use 2x+ a week and an exercise ball that's currently gathering dust. I bought DS16 P90x that he's used exactly once before he complained that he needed some equipment to accompany it. I've bought the required equipment so we'll see if he really uses it. Oh and we have some bow-flex machine in the basement that DS & DH really wanted that has never been used... Last fall DH started whining that he needed a treadmill--after he had a whole summer that he could have walked outdoors.
  • I have an exercise bike (recumbent) I used to use extensively, but I don't train with cardio much anymore (I still love the bike, it will get more use in my next cycle of exercise). I have resistance bands for strength training, but I am mostly using body resistance exercises right now.

    I don't collect equipment and they don't go to waste, but it doesn't always fit the mode of exercise I am currently using. That's just life
  • We were very close to buying an elliptical for our house. Ended up joining a gym instead. I have a feeling that elliptical would be sitting in the corner covered in clothes right now.

    We also have an exercise ball (rarely used) and some hand weights (hmmm where are those?) and two yoga mats (somewhere in the basement).
  • My husband and I had planned on buying a treadmill for over a year now and we finally did it in January. It sat in our room still in the box until a week ago, but now that I got it out I LOVE it!
    I don't wanna get ahead of myself because it's only been a week, but I have run 2 miles a day since (1 mile/20 mins morning and again at night) and I feel soooo amazing already. The difference this time in my dieting is that it is the first time in my life that I have incorporated exercise when trying to lose weight so I just know I will stick to it this time because I feel so good instead of worn down.
  • I also think that convenience is a huge deal for me because I have bad knees, and have since childhood, so I can not run on concrete. The treadmill gives me no excuse to not exercise, even if only for a few minutes of walking a couple times a day.
  • the only equipment that i have in my home right now that i *don't* use is a set of billy blanks boot camp DVDs that i bought forever ago that are a little too hard for me to do at this size.

    they'll get use later on.
  • I have a pilates reformer quite similar to this one (but it's not a Balanced Body) and I haven't used it for nearly a month

    My reasoning is that I've been going pretty hard at Shaun T's Insanity, plus my running and yoga in between all that. There hasn't been enough 'muscle energy' to follow up with reformer based pilates. I must rectify this though, maybe swap out the yoga for some more pilates.

    It takes up a fair chunk of space and I have to clean/dust it regularly, so for all that effort I should actually use it more. It does look nice though

    Oh yeah, and, the cat had turned it into his 'day bed' for several weeks also. Like this fella:

  • Precious, your cute kitty seems very comfortable there.
  • I bought The Firm Wave a couple of years ago that is rarely used. In the last 6 months, I bough Beachbody Insanity which I haven't touched in months.

    Excuse 1) the carpet is dirty (and i mean, gross). I couldn't wear shoes for the workout and bare feet was, well, disgusting. I just had my carpet cleaned, finally. Which leads to excuse 2) Foot injury. Can't do high intensity or high impact stuff. Plus the routine is so hard!

    The other excuse is the limited window of time in which to use the DVDs, since I won't do the workouts when my husband is home. I know, lame.

    I bought a treadmill with great intentions and a lot of fear that it would become a collector's item... meaning, things collect on it. It became the best purchase ever! I use it constantly!

    I just bought a home gym and I hope that doesn't become a collector's item! BTDT before, but I'm giving it another go. Home workouts work so much better for me than the gym.
  • I have a home gym (kind of like a Bowflex) that you can work each body part, and some free weights as well. Also a stationery bike (& a real bike) & a pool. A yoga mat, some resistance bands and a stability ball. And I live in a great area near walking/hiking trails & the beach.

    Out of all these things, it's the resistance bands & stability ball that I rarely touch. All else gets used.

    My husband & I used to be members at the YMCA. After 3 years, I finally figured out that we could have had a home gym paid in full by now! - and I really HATED waiting for a specific machine and all the "everybody's sweat" stinky-yuck & so forth. Plus, even tho the Y was very close to my home, it is just SO EASY to roll outta bed & into the next room, as opposed to getting dressed, driving to the gym, etc.

    I used to have a treadmill, but traded it for the stationery bike when my knees started hurting so bad. I use the stationery bike more during bad weather or when it's too hot or too cold to walk/bike outside. I much prefer being outside to inside. Walking the trails or on the beach is one of my favorite "movement" activities.

    The weights are easy - that's an indoor activity. But I love to swim, and during the spring/summer/fall I get in as much swim time as I possibly can. I always feel so relaxed after a good swim. And of course, during the heat of summer, a good swim is just incomparable to any other exercise - cooling & refreshing & you don't notice the sweat cause you're already wet.