How to get rid of acne scars and back acne?

  • This may be a bit yucky, but on my back and chest I have A LOT of acne scars and white heads/black heads. On my breasts I have like, very little pimple like things that when you pick at or pop, little white seed things come out. The same is on my back, but I also get real pimples there. When I hit my goal, I wanna be able to wear a bikini and what can I do about this?
  • I would suggest chemical peeling, but you need to do it at a doctor's office. Depending on how deep your scars are, the recovery could take up to a week and after that I think you need to use sunscreen for a couple of days. But it's the only effective method I know of. There are exfoliating products out there that promise to fade away acne scars, but honestly, I think they take years to work because the layers of skin removed are really thin, whereas with chemical peeling, you remove a pretty consistent layer of skin all at once. It also helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
  • I'll tell you what worked for me
    #1 most important, stick to it and it will work tip is to clean up your eating. I have had acne since I was 11, but when chose to eat whole foods and really committed to eating meat and veggies exclusively it finally is about 95% gone. I still get the occasional blackhead, but no more pimples anywhere on my body. Dairy is the real kicker for me, just a little cheese can cause problems.
    #2 is to put fewer chemicals on your skin and hair. Instead of deodorant I use coconut oil and baking soda (works really well, no stinky pits for me!) I wash my hair with soap maybe once or twice a month, when I shower I just use hot water. When I get out of the shower I use coconut oil and it makes my hair super soft and gives it a nice shine. Honey with some olive oil and sugar makes a super body scrub.

    Anyway, try one thing at a time on #2 so if anything causes a reaction you will know what it was. The transition away from using soap can get a little greasy, you just have to stick with it long enough for you body to stop freaking out and producing too much oil. And all this is way cheaper than buying a bunch of conventional products. Coconut oil is awesome stuff.
  • try using head&shoulders classic clean shampoo as a body wash.

    yes, you read that right. they have recently have come out with a bunch of specialty scents and things, so if you're going to try this, please make sure you get just the SHAMPOO (not combo) and in CLASSIC CLEAN, not a scented or dyed version.

    as always, there is a risk that your skin may disagree with it and you may get some irritation. all i can say, is that a couple years ago i suddenly came down with a bunch of back/butt acne! never in my life... it might have been my birth control. i read about the H&S and was desperate so i gave it a try. it worked for me. good luck!