New Getting out of the Two-teens into Onederland

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  • Hey people. Back on the bandwagon today after months of slacking. Gained 8lbs from it, but hopefully now I'm on the way back down. I've been wanting to get into running recently, it's a funny story actually, I lost my dog when we were out on a walk, and I actually started running to look for her, and I haven't run in years. It wasn't as difficult as I thought, and strangely I kinda enjoyed it, haha. So running's been on my mind lately. Anyways, I can't wait to get to 199!
  • Been bouncing back and forth between 216.8 and 218 for the past week Getting so frustrated. Going to kick up the workouts a step or two at the gym and hope to get through this soon!
  • Hey Everyone! I'm 213 and I can't hardly stand waiting to get to 199! I have a bad cold and have resisted the urge to comfort myself with food. All of you are doing great!
  • I thought April would be my Onederland month, I started at 205.6, but as of today I'm only down to 204.0. I FEEL skinnier but we all know we want to SEE skinnier on the scale
    I've realized I just cannot go over 1500 cal. per day and I can't skip walking ever or the weight isn't going to come off. I don't don't why it's so hard this time around, all I can figure is that I'm older now than other times when I've lost
    Cathi we will not kick you out! I won't let GO! not unless you're leaving us for lower numbers (that's us kicking you to a lower thread!)
    Bobbles We all understand the frustration, we just can't give up, not ever
    fuct I wish u luck on ur endeavor to run!
  • Thanks Kelly! Still not feeling well today but a little than yesterday. I didn't over eat but I had more sodium than I normally do and the scale was up 3lbs! It's very frustrating.
  • Thanks Kelly I'm aiming for a 100% processed carb-free week, we'll see if that turns things onto its head Protein and veggies it is!
  • Scarlet the only thing good about those salty gains is that, with a little drowning in water, the gain can disappear as quickly as it came
    Bobbles proteins/vegs really help me get things moving plus cutting out the sugary carbs helps the cravings go away I've been trying to get back to that type of diet as well (I say trying but I should be trying harder ) and I've been doing a lot more exercise to try to fight my way to Onederland
    I finally changed my ticker to my new low-203.6 cuz I"m not letting go of it! Well, except to get lower! I've joined the Biggest Loser thread here on 3FC as well. I love a good challenge!
  • I stalled at 219 for nearly three weeks. So very frustrating. Yesterday, though, it dropped to 218. And then, today, 216. I'm really not liking the spikiness of it all.

    I plugged the 216 into the BMI calculator, though, and had a happy moment of disbelief. 33.8? That's closer to overweight than morbidly obese. That can't possibly be me!
  • Congrats Gabe, your doing a great job and will be in Onederland before you know it!
    Still sick today and the scale hasn't moved.
    Have a great Sunday eveyone!
  • hi ladies ! I let myself get out of the teens. I am 225. I don't want to change my ticker I refuse ! I have joined my first Biggest Loser challenge and I am hoping this will get my motivation back where it was . I actually had surgery on my foot (achilles tendon problem) . Was not able to do my normal exercises and gain some weight. Hope you all don't mind me posting here. I guess I know I belong here and don't want to own my weight gain !
  • dumplin I just joined the Biggest Loser challenge as well, I'm hoping it'll get me in gear since I've only lost about 2 lbs for April I feel like I let myself down at the beginning of the month, but I have to forgive myself and move on A big hug to you wishing you the strength to get back in the teens
    Scarlet Sorry you're still not feeling well
    Gabe It is Possibly you!
  • Thanks qtapostolic ! I really need the encouragement ! I would love to be in onderland by summer which is 9 weeks away . I just know I can if I keep total focus on my journey ! Congrats on your weight loss ! Looks like you have got the ball rolling in the right direction for sure !

  • I am down to 214 even. Sigh. This is so slow! I really want to lose 4 more pounds by the end of April.

    On the bright side, my Cute Boyfriend said to me, "You've lost a lot of weight. I can tell in your face." It's about time he noticed!

    I am now the lowest I've been in my adult life. I am very happy and proud about that. Of course, onderland is still shiny like a beacon in my mind's eye. Le sigh.
  • Jessica Lowest in ur adult life?!! That is something to be very proud of! I'm so happy for you I want to lose 2.6 more by the end of April so I can see 199.8 or lower, Just to see that 2 gone! oh well, if not by the end of this month it'll still be soon Am I understanding your sig right? You had a baby in 2011? My baby was born on Apr. 13, 2011, he's one now and when people ask how I'm losing weight I tell them I'm on the "Robbie" diet-chasing him and giving him part of my meals as he begs for big people food
    dumplin u r so welcome! We all need a good support system if we are going to change our lives. I'm learning this journey isn't just about seeing lower numbers on the scale, all though I like that part, but i'm learning to love and respect myself so I don't gain it all back again. My weight loss journey's in the past have been based on events and/or people, you know, "by summer" "by my family reunion" 'by the time HE gets to town" or "before HE finds somebody else". I am trying to remember this time is for ME and on my own TIME, staying in the right direction so I can feel good and be healthy, so I can move at the park with my kids, or fit in the little seats at my daughter's basketball games (which I finally can do!) And I'm not cutting down goals with time frames, we do need them, it just can't be my REASON any more. I hope that makes sense.
    well, enough about me, You can do this! i wonder if we will end up on the same team for the Biggest Loser Challenge? I think it is for 13 weeks? I'm hoping the support threads on there will be good Maybe the challenge will help you stay on track? Onederland in 9 weeks is possible, Go For It! Onederland here we Come!
  • Kelly - Thanks! I guess I should be more excited about it but it's only like a pound lower than my previous low (pre-baby). Yes, LG was born in June and she is a racer. I am chasing her all the time! It's like she sees the electrical socket and says, "Ooooo! Let me lick that!" I went back to work in January and my Nanny (Matt) has lost 40 pounds since watching her! She loves to go on walks and he walks with her a couple hours a day. His cholesterol dropped 20 points too!

    Scarlett - I hope you're feeling better now. I often eat terribly when ill. The first 20 weeks of my pregnancy I was soooo sick and gained weight although I was throwing up all the time. SIGH!