WW's Spoons-Measuring Cups

  • I used to go to WWer's and it seems like they had some kind of spoons or something that you could dip out exactly a cup size serving...Can't really remember what they were called. Anyone know what I'm talking about??

  • W/W Measuring Cups...they still have them.
  • WWer's Cups
    I'm glad to hear they still have them...Think I'll go this week and try and purchase a set
  • Kmart sells nice, white serving spoons. They come in 1/2 Cup, 1/4 cup and 1/8 Cup sizes. They're about $3 for all 3. Look in the martha stewart section.

    Walmart also has very nice silver serving spoons, same measurements. Theirs were $6 a set.

    I bought two sets of the Kmart, and LOVE them.

  • Quote:
    Originally posted by Kelly_S
    W/W Measuring Cups...they still have them.
    Actually, the WW measuring spoons come with measuring spoons and are called the "Measure Rite" System.

  • I just bought a red set last night for a girl who does W/W at home...ours are called W/W Measuring Spoons
  • I bought some stainless steel ones last year and would like to pick up more. The ones from WW have really long handles and they look good.
  • Yes.who cares what they are called.WW still sells them.the last ones were red and the newest that I have seen are black.there are real handy but it is nice to know that K Mart sells some too! We have so many wonderful choices......we are lucky!

    Happy Measuring!
    P.S. Some people need to "lighten up" a bit..harshness is not inviting!
  • I bought the cups and love them. They are a little pricy but at least you know you are measuring the right amount.

    Also, does anyone have the WW calculator? I see it on Ebay and I have no idea what it costs through weight watchers. Does anyone know what it costs?
  • In OUR area (please note I stated in our area) they sell for $19.95
    We allow anyone who wants to buy anything come into the center and buy.Member or not.

    Hope this helps!
  • WW Calculator
    I have the calculator and it is wonderful. You can calculate Points on it, record your food, do regular math calculations and I'm sure other wonderful stuff. I paid $42 Canadian at a WW Center, so that would be about 1/3 less in US Dollars.