Craving salt...eating salty aversion to salt?

  • Anyone else like this? Sometimes I want salty food, and I've been adding a little soy sauce to my food, and now I don't want anything salty. I never really want a moderate amount of salt all the time, just either salty stuff, or I don't want it at all.
  • Sure! I'm pretty sure that's my body's way of letting me know if I need more or less sodium. I've seen it recommended that when one cuts out a lot of carbs, that they increase their salt -- or at least, be prepared for craving salty things.
  • salt is the only nutrient you can regulate by taste alone.

    if your food needs more salt, YOU need more salt and vice versa.
  • I get salt cravings occasionally as well and if I'm craving salt, I normally just have a healthy-ish Chinese for lunch/dinner which sorts me out for a few weeks.

    I don't actually like seeing myself add salt to dinner, but I don't mind eating the salt if it's already in the food. I'm a bit weird on that I know, but it seems to work for me.