Got married..lost goals..on a crash course to 320

  • So i was on here awhile ago. It was before my wedding. I had gone back onto IP and i was losing weight effectively. I lost about a good 20 pounds..I was losing weight so i could fit into a nice wedding dress. Well....the date of the wedding was supposed to be May and for some odd reason, i thought it would be good to get married sooner. I thought "I better jump in and do this or else im going to be putting my wedding off forever". So we set the date for the 10th of March and all of the sudden i found myself between racks of wedding dresses. Luckily, i found one that fit me and praise god i lost those 20 pounds because i wouldnt have fit in it, if i hadnt. I walked down the isle in my size 24 wedding dress and married the love of my life...Our honeymoon was spent indulging in everything good and tasty. I had a great time..but unfortunately, my weight is suffering...In fact, i feel like im suffering now...A sense of loss perhaps or a loss of a goal... I feel like im married and standing in my kitchen going "now what?"... Its least when i was getting married, i had a goal to go towards and a deadline and now...nothing..Im watching my weight climb and climb and climb...i think it did most of the climbing before the wedding and during the honeymoon and now i feel a sense of hopelessness..Its a sucky feeling to have post wedding..though i suppose i might not be the only one to have felt this.

    Any thoughts on how to kick start? or give me hope?
  • Hope? I was at least sixty pounds heavier on my honeymoon than I am today, and am almost 100 pounds lighter than I was with my second daughter. And I'm not done losing yet.

    Hope? Here's some - as long as you draw breath you can change and improve your situation, whatever it may be. Of all the things people struggle with in life, weight is one of the most malleable to change. That can be a double edged sword, because gains are always a possibility, but with a willingness to work hard and change deep-seated, old habits to ones that are healthier and in line with your long term goals? You can lose the weight, keep it off, and improve your health immensely in the process.

    Determination and commitment are the main ingredients to weightloss, far moreso than food or exercise. Remember that, yes?
  • A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

    Lao Tzu

    Focusing on the big picture can be overwhelming so don't think about it. Just set a short term goal that is achievable and take the first step towards it.
  • You sound like me on the day after Christmas. All that work, and now what do I do? Have hope and cheer. You (yes you!) are totally worth losing weight for. Do it for your health. Just think, if you lost another twenty pounds, gurrrrl... you'll feel and look so good!
  • I feel for's so hard to get back on track when the one goal that was pushing you forward (a wedding) is complete. Find a new reason. The reason is one that will never change. It's YOU and YOUR HEALTH and HAPPINESS. )

    I suggest taking it one day at a time. Sounds cliche and sounds so simple, but it really does work for many people. Have a plan and get everything you need. Set up your menu for the day or the week and just make a promise to yourself to follow it. Make it realistic. Something you can stick to so that you can feel successful at the end of the day. I always try to visualize how I'll feel the next morning if I stick to my plan vs. if I give into temptation.

    Focus on what you DO have. You have the love of your life! Make yourself healthy so you can enjoy your marriage! You are blessed! You just don't realize it!

    Btw, I remember you! I'm so glad you're back! That is a huge step!
  • I know what you're going through. It's the goals that keep us motivated, but when we lose sight of goals, or goals "vanish" we end up where we were.

    At one point, I had lost 70 pounds, but I've gained 20 pounds back and the scale is not going in the right direction for me either. It's frustrating and upsetting, and my only advice for you and myself is to just keep chugging along and trying to find the inspiration we need to fight this battle.

    I still need to lose 80 pounds to be in a normal weight range, and at times, I find it to be an impossible task! It's hard to know where to start, and it's hard to break food and drink addictions... like my addiction to soda.

    Honestly, I probably can't help you in your battle since I can't even help myself, but hopefully knowing that you aren't alone, and there are others who know what you're going through, will give you some comfort and inspiration.
  • Congratulations on your wedding - I bet you looked beautiful in your dress!

    Now the new goals:

    * How about a size goal - like a new pair of size 22 jeans that you hang in your closet?

    * How about a getting-ready-for-baby goal? (Not sure if that's super long range for you now, but wouldn't it feel great to be in a healthier weight range when you do want to try?)

    The main thing: start today. It's good for your mental state to even have one day of on-plan eating under your belt.

  • This is the most exciting time of your life - so much to look forward to!

    I lost a lot of weight for my wedding...honestly I tried on 18's and got married in a 10 and was thrilled...and then after my honeymoon I relaxed and stopped working out and just enjoyed...and became MISERABLE because everything I had worked SO hard to lose came back and I didn't want to start my married life being unhealthy.

    It wasn't until my best friends wedding 9 months after mine that I got back on the workout/diet cyle and I haven't looked back.

    I don't know about you, but I hated feeling like I was entering into a new chapter of my life over-weight and unhealthy. If I wasn't going to break my habits at this point, then when was I? You've just opened a new door so you need to decide if it's important to start this period healthy and in control. I think you can do it...good luck.