Couch to 5k

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  • Hi, has anyone here done this? I looked it up online and although I really would like to try it I don't know how easy I'll find it, going from jogging for 60 seconds up to 90 seconds (and so on) in one week seems a bit of a big jump to someone who NEVER (and I really mean NEVER) jogs. I have a few reasons for wanting to do it, I need to give my weight-loss a kick up the backside, I need to get out of the house, currently jobless and going doo-lally stuck inside with Morrison's to my right and MacDonald's to my left (it calls to me). Finally there is a 5k charity run in July in Cheltenham that I would really like to do, seems appropriate running for Cancer Research UK around the time of the anniversary of my dads death.

    So my real question is; is it easier than it sounds or is it really hard slog but worth it in the end?
  • I've been working on this but very slowly as I have a rather knackered right knee. Go to the nhs website and they have a download for your ipod which takes you through all the steps. It's really good and talks you through the whole thing. I'm now finding the 60 second jog easy - and I'm another one who has NEVER jogged!
  • I am doing this also, I downloaded to my Droid phone, I am on week 4... surprisingly I made it through week 3 which was run 3 minutes, walk 3 minutes... Week 4 is harder... run 5 minutes, walk 90 seconds... ugghh... this might take me a while to get through, LOL!!!

    Good luck... its a great program and I am enjoying my running time... This is my first experience running outside and not on my treadmill...
  • I've tried it and failed at week five twice before (when it jumps to 20 minute jogs which I just couldn't do!) But I do want to start up again soon, and hope now I'm lighter and my fitness is improved I'll manage to complete it!

    I think that when I start, maybe on Sunday?! I'll try go straight in at week three, and do this for 2 weeks and then do week four for a couple of weeks and then do week 5 day one for a week, then day two for a week, then day two for a week and then try the killer week 5 day three! I think that might help me more than just following the programme, but everyone is different!
  • I've started a pre couch- 5 training regime

    It's a goal for next year, as is the local 1/4 marathon!
  • I would LOVE to do a marathon one day! But really need to get my head round C25K first!

    Going to have a go at week 3 day one tomorrow
  • Quote: I've started a pre couch- 5 training regime

    It's a goal for next year, as is the local 1/4 marathon!
    What is that?
  • I did week 3 day 1 this morning and found it very managable, yippee!
  • TC - why don't you consider doing something like the Moonwalk next year. Power walking a marathon rather than running it? I've done it twice and that was before I lost the weight!!
  • Ellie, sounds really interesting, but I hope to be back out of the UK again by the end of the year, fingers crossed!!

    I did week 3 day 2 yesterday, am having a running rest day today, but will do another session in the morning tomorrow
  • Hi there,

    I just started the C25k last week and am finishing up Week 1. I had worries about the 60sec/90sec initially plan but it actually went faster than I expected. The recovery time of 90 seconds is very helpful. However, I was really tired and ready to call it quits by the last 1-2 jogs. I was never a runner/jogger either so, it's definitely new for me. I'm dreading Week 2 but am hoping it'll just get easier with time.

    Helpful things for me are to bring someone to time you and keep pace with you which I found to be a nice distraction; plus, I made sure I kept the pace slow and steady so that I wouldn't try and compete with other runners outside (without even wanting to).

    Good luck!
  • Dernhelm, I agree, I'm much better at keeping going this time around, but I think that's because I'm going slower, which was harder in the past!

    I use an app on my phone to time me, called couch to 5k, which tells you when to walk and when to jog and has a different section for each day/ week of the program. I just play my own music behind it. You can also download different podcasts, there are ones on the NHS website, and others around too. These are OK, if you like their music choices!
  • just started
    I just started this today. I downloaded the NHS podcast. I wouldn't say I was exactly at the couch phase as I've been going to the gym for a couple of months now and doing Bikram yoga, but I certainly haven't been running before and I'm in the obese range of BMI.

    Wouldn't have known about it but for this thread - so thanks y'all.

    But I really need to start running - because I want to join a sports team! (That's my fitness goal).

    I was quite nervous about it, but by the end of the first session I was really enjoying the little runs and the 60 seconds went by quicker and quicker. I'm looking forward to doing it again on Saturday morning.
  • Out of the country, TC? Do tell? I'm dreaming of having enough money to run away to Thailand for a few months, lol.
  • Well done for getting involved almost me! I'm loosely following the program this time around, as I've failed on it twice before, so tailoring more to my needs now I'm more aware of what they are. I'm doing week 3 this week, but adding bits on. Today wasn't a C25K day, but I just did a flat 10 minute straight jog with the last minute 'sprinting' more like fast jogging but going as fast as I could. It feels great to be able to keep going for that long.

    Tomorrow on my plan day, I'm just going to do the final week 3 workout (jog90 walk 90 jog 180 walk 180 and repeat) but do it on hilly ground as I think stamina on hills is my biggest problem, my basic fitness on flat is so much better now, but need to work on 'real' terrain running!