Support for the last 10-20lbs.

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  • Quote: Can a person lose inches and not weight? The scale is not moving but I see the my stomach is deflating. I am slowly but surely losing the belly fat.
    Absolutely. Back when I first joined 3fc, I was losing inches to fit into my wedding dress, so I exclusively measured. I was focusing more on exercise than diet back then, so inches came off much faster than pounds. This time around, my focus has been on both, but I have less time to exercise, so it's been more about calorie intake. This has been much faster, but I'm afraid I've lost some muscle--so I have to figure out how to get in back! (The obvious answer is strength training, just have to figure out a good plan for me).

    Anyway, seems like almost everyone has been doing great with whooshes and skinny jeans and recovering from injuries and whatnot. Great job! For those struggling, give it time, and try to shake things up a little if you can. You know you can do this, that's how you got this far to begin with!

    AFM, weighed in at 145.2 a few days ago. I'm losing much slower now, but my calories are at 1450 as opposed to 1200. This is my pre-maintenance plan. I'm eating more than what's needed for rapid loss, but less than maintenance calories, and really trying to focus on exercise/toning. I'm pretty happy with where I am, so I want the last 10 pounds to come off slowly, and I'm hoping I can sort of direct it by weight training/sculpting along the way. It's liberating to not have to worry as much about calorie intake and to focus more on strength!

    Hope you all have a great week!
  • Quote: Absolutely. Back when I first joined 3fc, I was losing inches to fit into my wedding dress, so I exclusively measured. I was focusing more on exercise than diet back then, so inches came off much faster than pounds. This time around, my focus has been on both, but I have less time to exercise, so it's been more about calorie intake. This has been much faster, but I'm afraid I've lost some muscle--so I have to figure out how to get in back! (The obvious answer is strength training, just have to figure out a good plan for me).

    Anyway, seems like almost everyone has been doing great with whooshes and skinny jeans and recovering from injuries and whatnot. Great job! For those struggling, give it time, and try to shake things up a little if you can. You know you can do this, that's how you got this far to begin with!

    AFM, weighed in at 145.2 a few days ago. I'm losing much slower now, but my calories are at 1450 as opposed to 1200. This is my pre-maintenance plan. I'm eating more than what's needed for rapid loss, but less than maintenance calories, and really trying to focus on exercise/toning. I'm pretty happy with where I am, so I want the last 10 pounds to come off slowly, and I'm hoping I can sort of direct it by weight training/sculpting along the way. It's liberating to not have to worry as much about calorie intake and to focus more on strength!

    Hope you all have a great week!
    Great information. Thank you for your input. I appreciate that. You are the 3rd person who has told me about strength training. I have a book that I am reserving at our local library about strength training, so I hope this helps me. My stomach and flabby arms is what needs the most help. I really want 6 pack abs but I'll settle for 4 pack abs. Anything is better than a 3 liter ab/stomach. LOL
  • LAgreeneyes, I generally see inches go before I see the results on the scale. As a matter of fact, when I am losing a lot of inches, the scale is sometimes stalled.
    Another thing I notice before the scale moves is that the fat tends to get "squishier" for lack of a better word. Like looser or lumpier, or not as dense, just squishier
  • Well, I changed my end weight again. My husband said the 155 wasn't realistic and he's probably right. He said maybe if I was 20, then maybe, but at 42 I can't expect to weigh what I would have ideally weighed at a much younger age.

    In the end, we'll see, but the weight is coming off at a sickeningly slow speed now. I'm right in the middle of my ovulation gain but this month it's not going quite as high as last month, so I'm hoping in the end it will mean that I might have a new low.

    I measure once a month and I think I lost a WEE little bit for this month, but a wee bit - like 1/4 of an inch everywhere. But, I haven't given up and I'm chugging along and will get to my goal eventually. Basically, I think I'm settling into my maintenance weight.
  • So I finally got on the scale this morning and am back into the friggin 170s (171), darn it.
    I had a bad weekend, not terrible, but enough to do some damage, I guess.
    This is the week after TOM too, the week I usually see the biggest loss of the month, sigh.
    I do have some DOMS from weight lifting this week, so I am hoping a little of that is water weight.
    All I can do is stay the course and wait for things to get back to normal.
    I just have to shout out that

    "I HATE THE 170'S WITH A PASSION!!!!!!"
  • Quote: LAgreeneyes, I generally see inches go before I see the results on the scale. As a matter of fact, when I am losing a lot of inches, the scale is sometimes stalled.
    Another thing I notice before the scale moves is that the fat tends to get "squishier" for lack of a better word. Like looser or lumpier, or not as dense, just squishier
    Thank you for your input. I'm beginning to feel better since I am not alone. The scale has been stalled for 1 week now. I usually have weekly losses but not this week. I started the C25K program last week which is when I started to see my belly melt down. I guess we can't have everything. LOL. I want the belly gone and the scale to go down too. I will be patient and continue to work on my belly fat by walking and running.
  • Quote: Thank you for your input. I'm beginning to feel better since I am not alone. The scale has been stalled for 1 week now. I usually have weekly losses but not this week. I started the C25K program last week which is when I started to see my belly melt down. I guess we can't have everything. LOL. I want the belly gone and the scale to go down too. I will be patient and continue to work on my belly fat by walking and running.
    If you just started that last week, you could be holding some water in your large muscles (butt, legs) while also burning off fat and it is just coming out even on the scale. It will show up. One week is frustrating, but certainly normal!
  • Quote: If you just started that last week, you could be holding some water in your large muscles (butt, legs) while also burning off fat and it is just coming out even on the scale. It will show up. One week is frustrating, but certainly normal!
    Thank you. I will be positive and patient and wait for my reward at the end.
  • Quote: So I finally got on the scale this morning and am back into the friggin 170s (171), darn it.
    I had a bad weekend, not terrible, but enough to do some damage, I guess.
    This is the week after TOM too, the week I usually see the biggest loss of the month, sigh.
    I do have some DOMS from weight lifting this week, so I am hoping a little of that is water weight.
    All I can do is stay the course and wait for things to get back to normal.
    I just have to shout out that

    "I HATE THE 170'S WITH A PASSION!!!!!!"
    You are singing my song Jomatho. My scale said 171.0 this morning too. Every time I dip back up into them I just want to scream. Here's hope it's the LAST TIME (MONTH) we see it!!!
  • I was at 180 last week and this week is my "time of the month", so I am up to 182. I can't kick those 2 lbs for nothing. I know it's because of my cycle but I really, really, really need those 2 lbs gone, so that I can work on that 3rd lb so that I can be 179.
  • Quote: You are singing my song Jomatho. My scale said 171.0 this morning too. Every time I dip back up into them I just want to scream. Here's hope it's the LAST TIME (MONTH) we see it!!!
    Amen Sister!
  • Dear 187... Please leave. I don't hate you as much as 188, because I didn't see you as long, or as much as 189.4, because that was more heckish, but.. man, I've got things to DO and you being around STILL isn't helping me at all.

    Please pack your things, pick up the rest of the 180's, and go. Thanks.

    All my love, Katie.
  • It's funny how a certain weight is just so annoying. I was happy with 147, because it gave me a good cushion from 150. But 145 is driving me nuts, because it's not close enough to 140 to be satisfying. I saw 143.8 for a brief moment a week ago but didn't work hard enough to stay there.
  • Ugh, I need motivation today! I have a lot to accomplish today, and a long workout would be a great way to start out...just need to summon my motivation!
  • I'm in the same boat ladies. I've been in the 160s seemingly FOREVER! I'm really working to be done with them in the next 10-14 days. The my last decade to work through (the 150) and then, HOPEFULLY I'll settle somewhere in the 140s! So ready... so... SO ready!