WW Weekly Chit Chat: 3/12 - 3/18

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  • Hello everyone! Welcome to WW Weekly Chit Chat!

    This is a thread for any and all WW users to get to know each other. To talk about their days or weeks. Whether it's plan-related or not. Just a comfy area to chat about things in general. Grab a chair, pick up a cup of hot tea or coffee and relax with everyone!

    Please join in at any time
  • Hey!

    I am very very new to WW! I have been following it exactly 1 week and although I started off very rough I am finally getting the hang of it. I am excited about my current progress and hope it continues.

    I love the support you guys give, it makes things so much easier to deal with. The weather in my area is going to be awesome this week, upper 70's lower 80's and hopefully the rain holds off enough so I can get a few miles of walks in.
  • Hello girls! Another week is upon us! We realized today that Easter is in 3 weeks...that's so crazy! I can't believe it's already the middle of March. And it's going to be 70 degrees all week long...so beautiful

    I managed to lose my crown last night while eating a tiny sliver of cake. That'll teach me LOL But I didn't swallow it this time like I did the last time I was at the dentist (haha), so I called this morning and was able to run in really quick during my prep period. It's all fixed now! My dentist actually gave me a really nice compliment while there too.....he always makes silly "Dad" jokes and whatnot, but today he was like "This might sound weird....but you look like you lost a lot of weight. Good for you!!" So completely out of the blue and unexpected, but very sweet.

    Just waiting for a couple of minutes to see if one of the teachers I work with is getting out of his meeting at a normal time so we can put together the Chapter 6 test for our Geometry kids and then off to the gym. Gotta get the bad food I ate this weekend after my awesome weigh in off my body! LOL
  • First off thank you Lovely for starting this week thread
    Welcome Tonyia another chick is always welcome to the flock
    Chele615 you do have a bad time with those crowns LOL I did the same thing back in December

    This week I am proud to say I am down and plan to keep it that way..thank you very much...

    I need to find a way to structure my weekends so I can stay better on points. I did ok this weekend but I think I can do better. On weekends we tend to be more free spirits and take off on a whim which totally wrecks my eating. Since I never know when or where we may stop when hungry. Then to try and plan for some gym time ugh...all suggestions are welcome
  • I so badly want to go out and spend some money on some new clothes! some of the stuff in my closet is hangin off me, wayyy too big. I have been buying things i like here and there that are way too small for me, i will fit into them though at some point, so best to get them ready for when i do! I think tomorrow im going to do a massive clean out and go through every drawer i have and see what i can donate. Its a new me and i dont want to wear reminders of what i used to wear.

    I love knee socks right now. Ive never been able to wear them because my calves were way too big, they now fit me, sooooo i have some i like. Very exciting!

    Going to vegas next tuesday... for 3 days. Not sure what in the heck i am going to do about eating. All i know is that the food is supposed to be awesome there and some amazing buffets. Any advice on that?!
  • Hi ladies!

    Well, I began week 2 of WW and I am glad that today is behind me! We finished up at the ouston Livestock Show after being there for nearly a week of taking care of animals and showing them. There were two days, including today, that were tough, but I got through them and now I can fcus on a grea eating plan!

    In other news, I am really excited because my hubby decided to join WW with me. WOOO HOOO!
  • Mercury - Vegas? That sounds like fun!!! I haven't been there since I was like 14 years old, but I remember the buffets well My only advice would be to fill your plate with more healthy options (fruits, veggies, chicken, etc) and then leave a small little part for some of the sweets. The good thing is that you'll be doing a lot of walking during that time, so that can only help!!! Have a blast!

    Tex - How great that your husband is joining WW with you! Built in support
  • Mercury, I went to Vegas back in November and definitely echo what Chele said about filling plates with the healthy options and leave a little bit of room for the not quite as healthy stuff. Just walk around the entire buffet to see what all of your options are first then go back and pick and choose. If you know in advance what restaurants you'll be eating at, check online because most of the ones at the hotels/casinos have menus posted.

    Plus you do a TON of walking. I always forget that part until I'm actually in Vegas and walking everywhere! There were times when I didn't make the best choices but I still ended up losing almost 2 lbs that week which I know is from all the walking.
  • OK. I've got to be super good this week because today is mine and DH's anniversary. My mom's keeping the kids Thursday night so we're staying at the poshest (not saying much) hotel in town in the suite. I'm sure we'll end up at a steakhouse and in the lounge with drinks. Gonna put those weeklies to use but still want to make the best choices possible. We'll see how that goes!

    Oh, I'm also on cloud nine because I've gotten several confirmations that our neighbor is a crazy old bat! For a while, I just thought I was over reacting and losing my mind! LOL! Knowing it's them and not you makes a huge difference on your out look. Being in a good mood always helps me reign in my eating as I'm the emotional eater so... yay!

    ETA: Speaking of being good, I was looking up nutritional information for lunch before we went out. Out of curiosity, I put in the info for the "Plain Jane" potato at Jason's Deli. This is seriously laughable. 150g of fat, 192g carbohydrates, 13g of fiber and 56g protein for a whopping 63 points!!!!!! Holy crap! I've seen people eat this whole then then go load up on their ice cream. I think I'll stick with my Mediterranean wrap for about 8 points.
  • Finally back here. I haven't had internet in forever, but tethered my phone to my computer this morning. yay. I have a feeling I'm going to gain about 2 pounds this week, which sucks, but I havent been very good. I haven't eaten garbage or anything, but I've not been tracking.
  • mercuryblue that is awesome about vegas! and NSV with the socks!
    texscrapper great news about dh joining with you great to keep the family all involved!
    XLMuffnTop happy anniversary!
    tessendicott great job on not eating garbage

    Ok today is starting out great points are looking good and have a roast in the crock pot along with a ton of veggies. Cant wait until tonight for dinner. Also tonight is my strength training night at the gym. I get so stuck on just doing cardio I have to force myself to do the weights
  • Hello ladies!

    I weighed in this morning at 174.9 which means that I lost the weight I gained after dinner Saturday at the Melting Pot!

    Started P90x yesterday and it feels like my legs and arms are about to fall off! Which means that I'm getting stronger!
  • Hello ladies!

    Mercury - Awesome about the knees socks - hope you have a great time in Vegas. As for food - try doing the Simply Filling technique while you are there. That way you can indulge a bit but let your body be your guide.

    XL - Happy anniversary!

    Nancy - you can do the weights! Just think about the extra calories you burn while exercising!

    Tess - hello! I hate life without internet - sometimes I feel so lost

    playful - WTG on starting P90X!

    Heading to work this morning and then I may take the boys to see Lorax. They are on Spring Break and are dying to get out of the house! It's been rainy and muggy and dreary so outdoor activities have been out of the question.
  • Quote: Heading to work this morning and then I may take the boys to see Lorax. They are on Spring Break and are dying to get out of the house! It's been rainy and muggy and dreary so outdoor activities have been out of the question.
    Oooh! Let us know how Lorax is. It's playing at the drive-in theater and I've been thinking about taking the kids. Thankfully it's been AMAZING weather this spring break, in the mid 70's and sunny.
  • I think I am going to go for a good walk this evening after work. If I don't get to do that then the Elliptical it is! LOL